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Narrativestory design 6

From Wikiversity

Group-work tasks: fill in the empty parts as group



What is a supportive tool landscape for writing hybrid narratives?[edit]

  • What tools are in use in your team? Does the tool-use change during the experiment and why?
  • Illustrate the information flow at your hybrid narrative ecosystem.
  • What are the the needed technical improvements to develop a well-functioning hybrid narrative ecosystem?

In this experiment we will use a joint blog for the narrative, and various individual tools. It is important to add tags to your posts in the joint blog to filter certain narratives, or certain collaborative narratives, or certain group activities. Every person can use individual tools the way he/she feels the most appropriate. Document the problem issues and ideas for improvement!

How do the topics of individual and collaborative narratives emerge?[edit]

  • What narratives you would like to write?

Discuss: a) if you need to define joint topics, or b) if the joint topics will emerge in the course of action.

Guiding questions... Why do you want to bring out these elements? What can be described and what can not be described about the place? What comes from your own life into the narrative? What can a photo tell about ...? Why people choose or dont choose places. What is the difference between a narrative and documentation? How and why some places change and evolve?

Our questions[edit]

Getting attention from people that we do not personally know?[edit]

Getting attention from people that we personally do not know might be interesting but also tricky. Do we trust them? Because when we insert some data in internet, we basically do not have any control over it anymore. Most of social networks say "everything that you post can be saved by others, even by those who you would not prefer, so be careful what, where and when you write, upload and send".
Experience: One person in our team got a message form a person in Canada, that we do not know anythign about. The message did not say much "Hello from Vancouver Canada ". It is really simple way to get attention. We started to think about 2 things. How this user found EliseS in the first place? What is his purpose doing that?
Let's say that finding is easy, but WHY he did still did it. It seems to be a really easy but direct way to get connected with new people, and if he is interested in Europe, Estonia, or just liked EliseS avatar, then sending message is the thing that is not pushing too much, but gives space EliseS to think if she wishes to reply or even add the person as a friend.

How to use these social tools to help society to develop their business?[edit]

These tools can be used to make something look normal. For example taking pics of colorful one producers jeans, will track attention and more people might start thinking it is cool and want it as well - they become followers and consumer at the same time. Companies can make short stories like in advertising and show how their products can be included in everyday life. Moreover that's interesting because people can interact with those stories and make it real.
The list of photos of bodyparts was really interesting as a comapny can use same style to become more and more known. Every picture gives something to the overall story and every follower can add things that they have noticed. This idea can be used for all kinds of products, especially - clothers, technical things (computers, earspeakers), accessories etc

What about the proprietary rights of the pictures posted on those website[edit]

It depends on different countries. When basically all the rights to a photo belong the one who made the photo, it can be a problem when there is a person on the photo who did not agree to be photographed.

Does such social websites be obstructive for users for private life?[edit]

When you post a photo on a social website, you should know that everybody on your contact list is enable to see it. And so, the best way to keep a private life is to choose each photo that you post. If you think that there's photo wich reveal a part of your private life, it would be better if you don't post it.
The footprint left by people while using different websites is amazing. It seems that "common people" use even more social networks than people with technical background. Why? Because the people who have technical experiences know the dangers more and might be more careful with it.

How to control the fact that everyone on your contact list can see what you post?[edit]

The social websites offer the possibility to make groups and add rights on it. But by defaults everybody can see all of your posts and pictures. So, you have to be carefull of who are your friends, make groups of friends (such as familly, school ...). But you always have to be aware of what people write or upload (picture or video) about you.
Person can choose what tools to use depending on what s/he wants to achieve. Does s/he wants to be connected through Facebook, where those who are connected see new things if they log in to Facebook, or use Twitter for example where followers will get message about all the things that have been inserted.

How to keep people interested on your topics?[edit]

When a person is interested in something and is doing it with passion, then there will be others connected with it. With internet the best thing is that we can be connected with people all around the world. When we do not have people with same interests in the same town, then it does not matter, we can have a totally separate community in internet.


  • In this experiment you can freely choose any locations in the world.
  • Document your locations using the map functions (eg. Flickr map, Google map)


What are your objectives?[edit]

  • Here you list some questions about hybrid ecologies and narrative storytelling.

Some examples: What are the most used technical possibilities to write a hybrid narratives and how they can be improved? What are main security issues when writing hybrid narratives and how they can be solved? What triggers people to collaborate on certain images and narratives? How can people use hybrid narratives in business, leisure, gaming, education...? ...

  • In the end of the course, in the report you must find answers to some of your questions.
  • In the end of the course you can also write down, what new important questions appeared after the experiment.

What is your theory?[edit]

From the theoretical materials and from Internet, you have to find some guiding theories that might explain what happens in hybrid ecologies and what helps to explain your questions.

For example: - surveillance issues http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance - hybrid place issues http://www.amazon.com/Hybrid-Space-Forms-Digital-Architecture/dp/0847822036 etc.

  • In the end of the experiment, in the report you must compare the known theory with your own findings. Did you discover something new?