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Design of e-portfolios

From Wikiversity


Learning outcomes


Outcomes are the knowledge, skills and attitudes what the course leader expect his/her students to achieve.

After completing this module of the course the participants should be able to:

  • Know various concepts of digital portfolios;
  • Identify, validate and implement new methods and approaches to teaching and learning using digital portfolios;
  • Acquire skills in the use of digital portfolios in the context of teaching and learning;
  • Identifying the constituent parts of the eportfolio (internal structure);
  • Building a digital portfolio;
  • Provide a eportfolio of digital hypermedia structure in the organization of information, using hyperlinks to internal or external, to resources available on the web;
  • Know free and commercial software for creating digital portfolios.



Competencies are the specific activities used to measure a student’s mastery of the knowledge and skills. Construction Management cases help students to solve problems. ( See generic competences, for example 15 - Problem solving)

Course portfolios are assembled by students for one course. Innovations in assessment for learning (ie the emphasis on feedback, self- and peer assessment) represent efforts to facilitate learning. Course portfolios reflect upon the ways in which the student has met the learning outcomes for the particular course. Course portfolios can be used for the course assessment.

Review of readings


Tuning has integrated:

  • the concept of time-based ECTS credits,
  • learning outcomes,
  • generic and subject specific competences.

According to González, J. & Wagenaar, R (2003, p 45):

  • Credits as such are not a sufficient indication of learning achievements. The only reliable way to compare pieces of learning and study programmes offered by (higher) education institutions is to look at learning outcomes / competences.
  • The definition of learning outcomes / competences is a responsibility of the teaching staff. Only specialists of the same field will be able to formulate useful learning outcomes, although it is useful to consult other stakeholders in society.
  • On the basis of defined learning outcomes / competences credits are an important tool for designing curricula.
  • Different pathways can lead to comparable learning outcomes. Therefore, the existing diversity in Europe can be fully maintained.
  • Credit accumulation and transfer is facilitated by clearly defined learning outcomes.

According to González, J. & Wagenaar, R. (2003, p 127) "In a strict meaning curriculum can be defined as plan for learning consisting of a coherent and integrated set of learning situations"

According to Lorraine Stefani et al (2007, 25) "The linkage between the concept of the portfolio as a tool to support reflection, and the idea of personal development planning (PDP) and preparing students for lifelong learning is important in the evaluation of the portfolio as a tool for learning"

According to Lorraine Stefani et al (2007, 59) "… e-portfolio must be directly related to the learning outcomes of the course… If teachers are unsure of this or have introduced e-portfolios because they are the trendy new technology, they will be resistance from students."


  1. González, J & Wagenaar, R. (eds.) (2003). Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Final Report. Phase One. Retrieved January 25, 2009, from Tuning Project Web site: http://www.tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/index.php?option=com_docman&task=docclick&Itemid=59&bid=17&limitstart=0&limit=5
  2. Guàrdia, L., Sangrà, A. & Maina M. (2007). Case-based learning in VTLE: an effective strategy for improving learning design. ASF Series, 13. Verlag: Oldenburg University, 191-209
  3. Stefani, L., Mason, R. & Pegler, C. (2007). The educational potential of e-portfolios: supporting personal development and reflective learning. London: Rutledge.