Različica 1.0 razširitve za naloge je dejavna na wikiverzi
Ta priročnik pokriva glavne možnosti sestavljanja nalog in nekatere bolj podrobne. Nekatere bolj napredne možnosti še niso povsem podprte; primer oznak mešanja {X} {!X} {/X}.
Kje so slabosti in prednosti nalog na wikiverzi? Kako najbolje uporabljati razširitev kot orodje za poučevanje?
Wikiverza proti Moodlu (en) - stran ponuja podrobno primerjavo podobnosti in razlik med sistemom Moodle in Wikiverzo, z priporočili kako se oba sistema najbolje uporablja.
Vnos običajnih možnosti izbire nalog na vrhu in barvni ključ za označevanje. Barvni ključ se pojavi kadar je vprašanje označeno.
Nalogi doda gumb "pošlji" na dno za preverjanje reševanje naloge.
Vse med oznakama tags se razčleni in pretvori v vprašanja.
Teoretično je mogoče določiti oznaki quiz okoli posameznega vprašanja in s tem možnost preverjanja vsakega vprašanja posebej.
Mešanje vprašanj: možnost mešanja omogoča mešanje vrstnega reda vprašanj. Možnost deluje dokler reševalec ne prične z odgovarjanjem. Po tem je vrstni red vprašanj zakljenjen.
<quiz display=simple> vstavite vprašanje </quiz>
Pomembno: dodajanje možnosti "display=simple" kot določilo naloge odstrani razpredelnico rezultatov na vrhu naloge.
Možnost je koristna pri krajših nalogah in pri situacijah, kjer so postavljene enostavne naloge med daljše odstavke besedila.
<quiz shuffle=none> vstavite vprašanje </quiz>
V primeru, da želite ohraniti razpredelnico točk in onemogočiti mešanje, uporabite shuffle=none atribut.
Med primeri na tej strani moramo ločiti med wikikodo in oblikovanim besedilom. Wikikoda je prikaz zapisa računalniške kode, ki jo lahko kopirate in prilepite v vaše nove strani ali pa poskušate razumeti zapis. Oblikovano besedilo pa določa rezultat prevajanje wwikikode kot jo vidi uporabnik, ki naloge rešuje.
Zapis kode je poenostavljen in ga je lahko razumeti. V primeru, da kopirate in lepite kodo v svoje strani, morate vnesti <quiz> oznake pred in za ostalo kodo, ki določa naloge. Morda želite uporabljati oznake kviza z možnostjo "display=simple", kot je prikazano na vrhu.
Opomniti moramo, da dejanski primeri spodaj uporabljajo tudi razpredelnice (table) za boljšo preglednost. V primeru, da je kviz vnesen v tabole, to spremeni videz kviza. Okoli nekaterih elementov se pojaviho okvirji, ki jih sicer ne bi bilo. Brez uporabe okvirjev kviz deluje oblikovno enostavneje.
kadar želite kodo pilepiti na vašo stran bodo vsi simboli poravnani z levim robom strani - če se katera vrstica začne s presledkom lahko izgubite oblikovne nastavitve.
Ta vrsta naloge omogoča en pravilni odgovor in poljubno število nepravilnih (v primeru so zapisani trije nepravilni odgovori).
Pravilni odgovor je lahko na kateremkoli mestu in ga označite z znakom +.
Nepravilni odgovori so označeni z znakom -.
Koda naloge mora biti vključena med oznaki <quiz>, kot kaže primer.
Odgovori se pojavijo v enakem vrstnem redu, kot so zapisani v kodi, zato je priporočljivo, da jih premečete, preden jih izvozite v vašo stran. Pravilni odgovori tako ne bodo vedno na prvem mestu.
Vsak simbol s katerim je označen odgovor pri nalogi, primer: |, +, - in vsi ostali simboli označeni spodaj, morajo biti v novi vrstici.
Znak mora biti zapisan prvi v vrstici.
Obrobe naloge so del wiki razpredelnice in se jih lahko uporablja poljubno.
Nepravilna izbira je običajna oznaka napačnega odgovora pri nalogah izbirnega tipa.
Oznaka določena z okroglima oklepajema () določa izbirni gumb.
Za prikaz celoten barvne kode (s štirimi barvami), poskušajte klikniti na gumb za popravljanje.
S ponovnim klikom na že označen izbirni gumb, odstranite oznako.
{Bolgarija in Romunija sta se pridružili Evropski uniji leta 2007.
{Švica je članica Evropske unije.
1Bolgarija in Romunija sta se pridružili Evropski uniji leta 2007.
2Švica je članica Evropske unije.
In many quiz systems, true/false questions are listed as a separate kind of question, although they are really nothing more than a variety of multiple choice with a single response. The Wikiversity quiz extension correctly treats true/false questions as multiple choice with a single response. They are implemented in exactly the same way as above.
The first of the two examples shows a true/false question where the correct answer is "true".
The second of the two examples shows a true/false question where the correct answer is "false".
The examples are live and can be tried out now.
If you have a large number of true/false questions, a more efficient way to lay them out would be to use the tabular response type with radio buttons documented below.
Kje je bil Aristotel rojen?
{ Stagira }
Kako je bilo ime Aristotelovemu mentorju?
{ Platon }
{ Aleksander } je bil Aristotelov najbolj znan učenec.
In a typed response the quiz-taker types an answer into a textfield using the keyboard.
The question type is signalled using "{}" as the argument of the type.
A textfield is inserted using curly brackets at the desired position of the textfield.
Note that curly brackets alone don't create a textfield. The curly brackets must have spaces between them and the enclosed text. { Answer } works, but {Answer} doesn't work.
The correct answer must be inserted between the curly brackets.
The textfield can be positioned anywhere in the text. Text before and after the text field will display as normal text.
The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
A non-breaking space was inserted between { and |type= because some text is required at that position (slightly buggy thing).
Kdo je najbolj znan grški filozof?
{ Aristotel|Platon }
Typed responses often have more than one possible answer. You can list all the possible answers inside the curly brackets using a pipe to separate them.
In the example, there are two possible answers. Try it - the demo is live.
Kako je bilo ime Aristotelovemu mentorju?
{ Plato _6 }
To modify the size of the textfield, add an underscore and an integer following the answer within the curly brackets to represent the number of glyph spaces you need.
This number depends, however it should be around n+2 (where n is the number of glyphs in the answer)
Kje je Aristotel umrl?
{ Chalcis (i) }
Vprašanja, kjer odgovor vpišemo, so privzeto določena kot vprašanja, pri katerih moramo upoštevati velikost črk: pomembno je kako zapišemo odgovor z velikimi ali malimi črkami. V primeru, da velikost črk ni pomembna lahko dodamo (i), kot kaže primer zgoraj. Oznaka (i) predstavlja možnost odgovora neodvisno od velikosti črk.
{Dopolnite besedilo članka wikipedije o [[wikipedia:sl:Aristotel|Aristotlu]].
Aristotel je bil rojen v kraju { Stagira _8 } na polotoku Halkidiki.
Materi je bilo ime { Festis _6 } in očetu { Nikomah _7 }, ki je postal
zdravnik makedonskega kralja Amintass. Aristotel se je izobraževal kot
član aristokracije. Pri { osemnajstih|18 _11} letih je odšel v { Atene _5 },
kjer je želel nadaljevati študij pri { Platonu _7 }. Aristotel je ostal
na akademiji skoraj dvajset let, dokler ni Platon leta { 347 _3 } pred
našim štetjem, umrl.
Gapfills (or cloze exercises) are created in almost exactly the same way as typed responses. The difference is that you just write a bit more text and add a few more textfields.
The gapfill above was additionally placed in a box and centered using a wiki table.
{Katerega leta je bil Platon rojen?
Platon je bil rojen leta { 427-428 _5 } pred našim štetjem.
At Wikiversity, numerical responses are a subtle modification of typed responses. The syntax is identical, except for some additions which allow numerical ranges and numerical tolerances if the answer is a number.
In the example to the right, the uncertainty over Plato's date of birth is reflected in the answer by using a range. A simple hyphen between the numbers permits all numbers inbetween.
{Kako daleč je Zemlja od sonca?
{ 150 _3 } milijonov kilometrov.
Oznaka _3 zagotavlja, da vnosno polje ni preširoko.
{Kolikšna je bila pri poskusu izmerjena vrednost gostote raztopine?
{ 1.037 5% _6 }
Primer uporabe tolerance odgovora. Oznaka "5%" določa razpon 5%. V tem primeru bodo vrednosti med 95 in 105 sprejete kot pravilen odgovor.
Trenutno omejevanje širine vnosnega polja še ne deluje z določanjem tolerance odgovora.
Because numerical responses are, programmatically, a sub-variety of typed response, numerical and text responses can be freely mixed in a gapfill as shown to the left.
| Možnost A | Možnost B | Možnost C
++- Vprašanje 1 (Namig: Pravilna sta odgovora A in B).
-++ Vprašanje 2 (Namig: Pravilna sta odgovora B in C).
--+ Vprašanje 3 (Namig: Pravilni odgovor je C).
This type of question has multiple everything.
Correct answers are indicated by plus signs, incorrect ones by minus signs. By reduplicating the +/- signs at the beginning of each row, extra checkboxes can be added.
The column headers are defined using pipes at the top as shown.
+ The correct answer.
|| Feedback for correct answer.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
Feedback is text which is initially hidden, and then shown to the user when they submit the quiz for correction. Feedback typically serves the purposes of encouragement, explanation, congratulation and commiseration.
Feedback is set with all types by using a double vertical line || immediately after a response.
The pipes beginning the feedback section must be on a new line.
Unlike some other quiz systems, all feedback items are displayed on correction. With other quiz systems, the norm is to display the feedback only for those items which were selected by the user.
To try out the feedback effect, choose a response and click the correction button. The feedback will then appear.
{This is the first question.
+ The correct answer.
- Distractor.
- Distractor.
{This is a block of text.}
{This is the second question.
+ The correct answer.
- Distractor.
- Distractor.
Text blocks can be inserted between questions by placing it between curly brackets {....}.
The text blocks can contain wiki markup, such images, hyperlinks and formatting tags, as shown in this example.
<quiz display=simple>
{ Which of these are not nuts? }
- [[Image:Walnut03.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Peanuts.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Malus-Idared on tree.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Pistachios in a bag.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Chestnut.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:P10802511.JPG|100px]]
Unfortunately there does not yet seem to be a way of putting these into a row or tabularising the layout.
Although this has not been done here for reasons of space, it is generally good practice to specify some kind of tooltip text for the images, but try to avoid text which gives away the answer.
<quiz points="3/1!">
{Try this question now.}
+ Plus 3 points for this one.
- Minus 1 point for this one.
By default, there is 1 point for a correct answer and 0 for a wrong answer.
You can change this for the whole quiz by using a points attribute for the quiz tag.
The format is "X/Y!", where X gives the points for a correct answer and Y the points for a wrong answer. The Y points are expressed as a positive integer but are subtracted from the score.
Due to a bug, the points attribute has no effect if display=simple is used (version 0.9.2).
Values like 1.25 or 2.5 are allowed
<quiz display=simple>
{Try this question now.
|type="()" }
+ 1 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.
{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="2"}
+ 2 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.
{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="4"}
+ 4 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.
{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="0.5"}
+ 1/2 point for this one.
- 0 points for this one.
A coefficient is a way of giving a weighting to a specific question. Normally all the questions have the same number of points. By default, they all have one point. By specifying a coefficient for each or any question, you can multiply the number of points for that question by the coefficient.
Coefficients can be both numbers above one and numbers between 0 and 1. If the coefficient is above 1, the question will receive greater weighting. If the coefficient is less than 1, the question will receive less weighting.
You must put inverted commas around the argument of the coef attribute.
You cannot test out the quiz while editing a page, because the submit button is grayed out. If you wish to test your new quiz, then create a sandbox page somewhere else first (e.g. as a subpage of your user page), then test the quiz there, and finally transfer the quiz to its final location (and test it again anyway).
The quiz was developed for IE6, IE7, Firefox (and Opera?), but display quality on Opera may not be optimal, and there may be display differences between browsers.
A reminder: each question must be separated by a blank line, otherwise the questions are merged together into one question.
Podrobnosti o prihodnjem razvoju posebnih razširitev za wikiverzo je dostopno na project space on MediaWiki (en). V prihodnje lahko pričakujete veliko zanimivih novosti.