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Physics for engineer/Force

From Wikiversity

Force represents a strength interacts with matter to perform a task . For example, strength to push and pull a cart to move forward or backward . Force is denoted as F and measured in Newton unit N = Kgm/s



Types of force


Mechanical motion


Motion Force


Gravity Force




Elastic Force


Horizontal Elastic Force

Vertical Elastic Force

Inclined Elastic Force



Force acts on an area of a surface

Friction force


Force opposes motion force

Centripetal Force


Centripetal Force


Electric Charge


Electromotive Force


Force acts on electric charge to set electric charge in horizontal linear motion thus creates an electric field

Electromagnetomotive Force


Force acts on electric charge to set electric charge in vertical motion perpendicular to initial motion thus creates magnetic field

Electromagnetic Force


Sum of 2 forces Electromotive Force and Electromagnetomotive Force act on electric charge to set electric charge in titlted motion thus creates Electromagnetic field

Attractive Force


Force negative electric charge attracts positive electric charge