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Computer networks -- 2008-2009 -- info.uvt.ro/Agenda

From Wikiversity

Quick links: front; agenda; courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; examination.

Important! Please note that the current work serves mainly as general guidance and discussion topics, and is by no means the reference material for the course. For further information please consult the dedicated section.

Part 1 -- Fundamental networking concepts



  • protocols;
  • topologies;
  • architectures;
  • layering;
  • OSI model;
  • physical medium;


  • introduction:
    • applications;
    • outstanding organizations and standards;
    • networking concepts;
  • protocols (part 1):
    • concepts: communication, message, sender / receiver, channel, protocol;
    • design principles;
    • classification;

(In order to kick-start the laboratory, we include here the second part, the programming topics.)

  • protocols (part 2):
    • protocol data unit;
    • responsibilities;
    • layering;
    • service primitives;
  • network architectures;
  • token ring;
  • OSI model:
    • motivations and solutions;
    • design principles;
    • history;
    • layers;
    • comparisons with other (historic) models;
  • OSI physical medium:
    • classification;
    • characteristics;
    • guided media;
    • shared media;
    • multiplexing;
    • twisted pair;
    • fibre optics;
    • wireless;
  • OSI data link layer:
    • framing;
    • error control;
    • flow control;
    • simple algorithms;

Part 2 -- Networking programming



  • Internet basics;
  • sockets:
    • addressing;
    • stream;
    • datagram;


  • sockets:
    • overview;
    • history;
    • life-cycle;
    • operations;
    • portability;
    • classification;
  • IP addressing;
  • UDP sockets;
  • TCP sockets:
    • client socket;
    • server socket;
  • HTTP protocol (overview);

Part 3 -- Internet fundamentals



  • PPP;
  • Ethernet;
  • IP, ARP;
  • TCP, UDP;
  • DNS, DHCP;
  • application protocols;
  • tunneling;


  • internetworking:
    • TCP/IP model:
      • layers;
      • comparisons;
  • PPP:
    • framing;
  • Ethernet:
    • standards;
  • Ethernet as physical layer:
    • collisions;
    • transmission modes;
    • cabling;
  • Ethernet as data link layer:
    • addressing;
    • framing;
    • domains;
    • segmentation;
    • hardware;
  • Ethernet switching:
    • roles and functions;
    • loops (STP);
    • administration (VLAN);
    • security implications;
  • IP (part 1):
    • roles, functions, characteristics and services;
    • addressing;
    • network classes and subnetting;
    • special and private addresses;
  • IP (part 2):
    • packets;
    • IPv4 and IPv6;
  • IP helpers:
    • ARP, RARP (IPv4);
    • ICMP;
    • DHCP;
    • DNS (overview);
  • IP routing:
    • static;
    • dynamic;
  • TCP:
    • roles, functions, characteristics and services;
    • segments;
    • connection life-cycle;
  • UDP:
    • roles, functions, characteristics and services;
    • datagrams;
  • SCTP (overview);
  • DNS;
  • HTTP, FTP;
  • SSH;
  • tunneling;

Part 4 -- Security



  • attacks;
  • solutions;
  • firewalls;
  • VPN;
  • TLS/SSL;
  • X509;


  • IP (in)security;
  • attacks:
    • classification;
    • phases;
    • examples;
  • solutions:
    • security policy;
    • encryption;
    • hashes;
    • digital signatures;
  • security protocols;
  • secure protocols;
  • X509;
  • OpenPGP;
  • firewalls:
    • classification;
    • examples;
  • intrusion prevention / detection;
  • VPN;