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Computer networks -- 2008-2009 -- info.uvt.ro/Examination

From Wikiversity

Quick links: front; agenda; courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; examination.

Important! Please note that the current work serves mainly as general guidance and discussion topics, and is by no means the reference material for the course. For further information please consult the dedicated section.

Written exam




Please note that (for now) these are just a proposal and are bound to be modified.

  • course 1:
    • general concepts related with computer networking; (definition / description)
    • protocols overview; (definition / description, classification, design principles)
  • course 2:
    • network architectures; (definition / description, examples)
  • course 4:
    • protocol characteristics and responsibilities; (definition / description, examples)
    • network classification (by spread and by topology); (definition / description, examples)
    • network architecture (definition / description, examples)
    • token ring; (description and working principle)
  • course 5:
    • OSI model and TCP/IP model:
      • description;
      • layers (description);
      • protocol examples;
      • comparison;
  • course 6:
    • classfication of physical medium;
    • coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber optics; (descriptions, characteristics, advantages / disadvantages, usage)
    • wireless; (classification, examples)
    • physical medium multiplexing (FDM and TDM); (definition / description)
  • course 7:
    • terminology; (definition / description, examples)
    • PPP; (description, working principle, packet structure, authentication)
    • CSMA/CD; (definition / description, working principle)
    • Ethernet; (types, limitations, addressing, frame structure)
  • course 8:
    • Ethernet switch; (description, functions, working principle, advantages / disadvantages, comparison)
    • STP, VLAN; (description, working principle)
    • IP (description, characteristics, functions);
    • IP addressing (address structure, network classes, subnetting, VLSM, special and private addresses);
    • IP NAT (description, working principle);
  • course 9:
    • IP packet (structure);
    • IP helper protocols (ARP, RARP, ICMP); (description, working principle)
    • IP routing; (description, working principle, classification);
    • IP dynamic routing; (description, working principle, classification, advantages / disadvantages);
  • course 10:
    • TCP; (description, functions, segment structure, connection life cycle, flow and congestion control working principle, usage examples)
    • UDP; (description, funcitons, datagram strucutre, usage examples)
  • course 11:
    • DNS; (description, functions, working principle, actors, record structure)
  • course 12:
    • networking attacks; (definition / description, classification, working principle)
  • course 13:
    • firewalls; (definition / description, functions, classification, working principle)
    • VPN; (description, functions, working principle)

Laboratory exam




Minimum number of attendances: 11.



Please note that (for now) these are just a proposal and are bound to be modified.

  • IP addressing:
    • CIDR notation usage;
    • netmask and VLSM usage;
    • network address / broadcast address computation;
    • IP block address subnetting;
  • IP routing:
    • routing tables understanding;
    • routing tables construction;
  • socket programming:
    • TCP / UDP client / server sockets;
    • basic text based or binary protocol implementation;