Maritim Sundhedsforskning og Uddannelse-NET/Referat fra møder

From Wikiversity

Zoommøde 12/1-2022 med: OJ, LC, DP, ID, VC, FG, ALS, GSA, AF for at oprette den nye forskningsgruppe kl. 9:00 i Panama, 15:00 i Spanien og Frankrig, 17:00 i Rusland og 22:00 i Manila. Velkomst og kort præsentationsrunde og formelt "Constitution of the International Diabetes and Hypertension Research Group" [1][2]for søfarende, andre transportarbejdere og fiskere. Sammensætning af styregruppen (valgt formand: OJ). Foreløbige opgaver (efter opfordring fra IMHA, "Europeche" og "ETF"):

  1. Revision af ILO Guidelines for lægeundersøgelser af søfarende til screening for T2DM og blodtryksmåling med valide tests.
  2. Nye opgaver er senere kommet til

(slutter efter 45 min)

MoU Agreement between IMHA and Mahre-Net 2022 In the breaks during the French Society of Maritime Medicine (SFMM’s) annual conference 14-15 Oct 2022 in Marseille, France we discussed and agreed on a continued plan for early diagnostics and early prevention on diabetes type 2 (T2DM) and hypertension (HTN) among seafarers. International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) and Mahre-Net will work in collaboration creating a win win situation with economic benefit for the shipping industry together with health and job benefit for the seafarers. The plan is based on the scientific evidence that many seafarers develop T2DM and HTN. Further, it is based on the evidence that pre-diabetes, and pre-hypertension can be reversed by early and adequate preventive actions. This can only be done in a joint intervention collaboration between the seafarers, the seafarers’ doctors, the researchers, and the shipping industry. The shipping industry will get financial and organizational benefit by having to train less new seafarers and keeping a stable and healthy crew. The seafarer will benefit by having more years with good health and more years of work at sea. In the multiple preventive intervention action, the seafarers will be trained and use adequate practices on diet and physical activity. The seafarers’ doctors will use precise measurements of blood sugar and blood pressure, report the results for epidemiological surveillance and teach the seafarers. Mahre-Net and the International research group on T2DM and HTN will contribute with the needed research and get access to the relevant data. The shipping industry will introduce and keep supportive work schedules with adequate and preventive dietary and physical activities on board. IMHA will establish a joint panel to coordinate and push the plan forward in a successful collaboration within the partners and ILO/IMO international guidelines revision development.

