Operating systems 1 -- 2009-2010 -- info.uvt.ro/Laboratory 1
Quick links:
- front;
- laboratories: agenda, 1, 2, 3, 4, evaluation, tools, references, repository;
- projects: 1, 2, repository;
Discussion topics
[edit]Please consult the first, second, and third laboratories from previous year. Mainly:
- File system paths;
- Basic bash commands;
- Basic bash script;
- Generic commands;
- File system commands: pwd, cd, cat, less, mkdir, rmdir, touch, rm, cp, mv, ls, find;
- Variables;
- Pipes and redirections;
Working under linux
[edit]There are three solutions:
- use Putty (an SSH client), to connect to goliat.info.uvt.ro by using your user-name and password (recommended);
- use a virtual machine and install a Linux distribution;
- use a Live CD;
[edit]Please consult the dedicated page -- Linux/UNIX scripting (Bash).
[edit]All the exercises from the third laboratory from previous year, except the last one.