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Computer graphics -- 2007-2008 -- info.uvt.ro/Laboratory agenda

From Wikiversity
Important! These pages are somehow outdated and it is recommended to consult the newer version at Computer graphics -- 2008-2009 -- info.uvt.ro (by Marc Frâncu).

Quick links: front; laboratories agenda, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, evaluation, tools, repository.

Laboratory 1

  • introduction:
    • computer graphics;
    • 2D / 3D graphics;
    • digital images;
  • technologies:
    • OpenGL;
    • DirectX;
    • Java 2D / Java 3D;
    • JOGL -- Java OpenGL;
    • XNA;
  • agenda summary;
  • evaluation summary;
  • tools, frameworks and libraries:
    • Eclipse;
    • Subversion;
    • Ant;

Laboratory 2

  • 2D graphics:
    • scene creation;
    • points and vertices;
    • list of points and vertices;
    • triangle fan, list;
    • projections:
      • rectangular;
      • perspective;
    • coloring;

Laboratory 3

  • 2D graphics:
    • rotation;
    • translation;
    • scaling / zoom;
  • keyboard and mouse handling;

Laboratory 4

  • 3D graphics:
    • objects: sphere, torus;
    • lighting;
    • materials;
    • coloring;
    • camera control;

Laboratory 5

  • 3D graphics:
    • textures -- PNG, TGA, BMP files;
    • objects -- 3DS files;

Laboratory 6

  • more on textures:
    • transparency;
    • billboards;

Laboratory 7

  • advanced 3D graphics:
    • world box;
    • collisions;
    • simple particle engine;

Laboratory 8, 9

  • putting all together:
    • space simulator;

Laboratory 10

  • OpenGL/C API overview;
  • DirectX/C# API overview;

Laboratory 11, ..., 14

  • projects;