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Computer graphics -- 2007-2008 -- info.uvt.ro/Laboratory evaluation

From Wikiversity
Important! These pages are somehow outdated and it is recommended to consult the newer version at Computer graphics -- 2008-2009 -- info.uvt.ro (by Marc Frâncu).

Quick links: front; laboratories agenda, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, evaluation, tools, repository.

Administrative issues


At the beginning of each laboratory you will receive an assignment, which should be completed -- individually -- during the two hours. At the end of the laboratory each student will upload the resulting source code on the SVN repository. Those who are not present, or those who didn't manage to finish, have the possibility to upload the source code until the end of the week.

We shall do our best to provide the laboratory notes (including the assignment) a week in advance.

For each assignment a grade will be given from 0 to 10, following the following guidelines:

  • if the assignment does not compile or run at all, the maximum grade will be 5, depending on the completion;
  • if the assignment is not completed during the laboratory hours, but it is committed afterwards, the final grade will be only 60-70% of the assignment grade, thus:
    • for a working assignment the maximum is 6-7;
    • in the case it does not compile or run the maximum is 3-3.5;
  • no assignment will be accepted if it is not uploaded on the SVN repository until 23:59 of the current week Sunday -- this constraint is imposed by the repository, and will not be overridden;

The attendance is mandatory for at least 75% of the laboratories.

The final grade for the laboratory is a weighted sum of the assignment grades, scaled from 0 to 10, but if a student does not meet the mandatory attendances, his grade will be logarithmically proportional to the number of attendances.

Technical issues


In order to optimize the evaluation process the following constraints apply:

  • as each assignment will be a Java project developed by using Eclipse, inside the folder uploaded on SVN there must be the .project and .classpath files describing the project, and also a class Main located in the default package (./src/Main);
  • if the code was developed by using a different IDE, then in the folder uploaded on SVN there must be an Ant script that by default (the default target) starts the application;
  • all the file references must be relative to the project location;
  • the application should not assume it is running on Windows, Linux, or any other operating system -- thus it must be portable;

Failing to comply with the above constraints might render your assignment into a non-running one, thus affecting the grade.



There exists also the possibility to develop a project instead of the weekly assignments and the mandatory attendance. Those interested in a project should contact their laboratory assistant and establish together with him the project requirements. Please note that the project should be a complex one -- at least 24 hours (= 3 days) of work -- and there must be some meetings to discuss the project status (about 25-30% of the laboratory count).

Assignment evaluation criteria

  • assignment-01 -- weight 1 (optional) -- essay:
    • only for those in the situation of between 4 and 5;
  • assignment-02 -- weight 2 -- circles inside a rectangle:
    • rectangle + circles -- 6;
    • random circle color -- 2;
    • circle movement -- 2;
    • dynamic circle life time -- 1;
    • circle collision detection -- 1;
    • dynamic circle radius -- 2;
    • total -- 14;
  • assignment-03 -- weight 1 -- rectangle on a circle:
    • circle + rectangle -- 5;
    • movement (rectangle on circle and circle radius) -- 5;
    • mouse control -- 2;
    • mouse trails -- 1;
    • total -- 13;
  • assignment-04 -- weight 1 -- solar system with lights:
    • view volume -- 1;
    • lights -- 1;
    • sun and planets -- 2;
    • satellite -- 1;
    • camera control -- 5;
    • total -- 10;
  • assignment-05 -- weight 1 -- cube with textures:
    • cube -- 3;
    • textures -- 4;
    • rotating cube (or other means which show all sides) -- 3;
    • total -- 10;
  • assignment-06 -- weight 1 -- solar system with textures and billboarded sun:
    • solar system -- 2;
    • textures -- 3;
    • clouds on Earth -- 1;
    • billboard -- 4;
    • total -- 10;
  • assignment-07 -- weight 2 -- particle system:
    • particles -- 5;
    • world box -- 2;
    • comet -- 3;
    • particles as billboards -- 3;
    • camera movement inside world box -- 1;
    • total -- 14;
  • assignment-08 -- weight 3 -- maze;
    • maze, artifacts, lights, player -- 10;
    • auto solving algorithm -- 3;
    • smooth camera movement -- 5;
    • total -- 18;
  • project-01 -- weight 1:
    • total -- up to 30;
  • attendance -- 1 point for each -- max 8;
  • pluses -- 1 point for each;
  • grand total:
    • assignment-02 -- 2 * 14 -- 28;
    • assignment-03 -- 1 * 13 -- 13;
    • assignment-04 -- 1 * 10 -- 10;
    • assignment-05 -- 1 * 10 -- 10;
    • assignment-06 -- 1 * 10 -- 10;
    • assignment-07 -- 2 * 14 -- 28;
    • assignment-08 -- 3 * 18 -- 54;
    • project-01 -- 1 * 30 -- 30;
    • attendances -- 8 -- 8;
    • total -- 191;
  • for 10 you need 110;