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Computer graphics -- 2007-2008 -- info.uvt.ro/Subversion repository

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Important! These pages are somehow outdated and it is recommended to consult the newer version at Computer graphics -- 2008-2009 -- info.uvt.ro (by Marc Frâncu).

Quick links: front; laboratories agenda, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, evaluation, tools, repository.



All your source code and needed data (libraries, textures, files) (or in case of an essay the documents) for an assignment should be placed in the Subversion repository provided by us.

The usage of the Subversion repository has the following advantages:

  • you can access the examples or your assignments from anywhere -- provided that you have an SVN client installed and access to the Internet (and provided that you are not firewalled);
  • it eliminates the needles hassle with assignments sent by email, thus eliminating the zipping, unzipping, upload, download, etc.;
  • it eases the assignment evaluation procedure by removing the need to collect all the assignments in one common place;
  • it will provide a good experience with versioning tools that today are almost ubiquitous in the enterprise world -- and SVN is the most used system;



In order to use the repository you need the following information:

You should also be familiar with the clients and plugins:

Please be careful about the username. In our case the username is all lower-case letters, and some clients pre-fill the username with the current operating system user. If the casing differs please correct, or else you will encounter SVN authorization errors. If you have made this mistake, then you must find the folder Documents and settings / your folder / Application data and here identify the Subversion folder which you should delete. After this restart Eclipse and carefully reenter the username and password.

Repository layout


Each student has at its disposal a folder which contains subfolders for every assignment. Thus the assignments should be placed only in these subfolders.

Example repository layout:

  • <root> -- the root folder of the entire repository
    • en3 -- the study year
      • username -- the username obtained through email
        • assignment-01 -- the root folder of the first assignment
          • .classpath -- Eclipse generated file
          • .project -- Eclipse generated file
          • src -- the Java sources
          • lib -- needed Jars
          • ...

You should never attempt to checkout the entire repository. Usually you should only checkout the specific folder for an assignment (like assignment-01).

Subclipse short tutorial


This is a small guide that will guide you into using Subclipse plugin together with Eclipse. It covers:

  • plugin installation;
  • initial assignment checkout;
  • assignment commit;



Please consult: User:Ciprian Dorin Craciun/Tools/Subclipse/Installation.


  • select File -> New -> Other menu;

Screenshot 01

  • find the folder SVN in the wizard; if such a node does not exist, it means that you don't have Subclipse installed, and you should see the installation procedure;
  • under this folder select Checkout projects from SVN;
  • press Next;

Screenshot 02

  • choose the option Create new repository location only if you don't have the URL in the list below this option;
  • choose the option Use existing repository location if the URL is in the list below;
  • press Next;

Screenshot 03

Screenshot 04

  • if asked for an username and password enter them; (the username and password should have been sent to you by email;)
  • Please be careful about the username. In our case the username is all lower-case letters, and some clients pre-fill the username with the current operating system user. If the casing differs please correct, or else you will encounter SVN authorization errors. If you have made this mistake, then you must find the folder Documents and settings / your folder / Application data (which could be hidden so you should resort to the address bar) and here identify the Subversion folder which you should delete. After this restart Eclipse and carefully reenter the username and password.
  • check the option Save password;
  • press Ok;

Screenshot 05

  • find the folder specific for each assignment or example;
  • you should checkout only folders named like assignment-n or example-n; never attempt to checkout the root folder, the examples, folder, or your folder as it will break Eclipse;
  • press Next;

Screenshot 06

  • if this is the first time when you download the folder you should select the Check out as project configured using New Project Wizard option;
  • if you already have uploaded the assignment and want to checkout once more you should select the Check out as a project in the workspace option;
  • press Finis;

Screenshot 07

  • this step applies only if you have chosen the option Check out as project configured using New Project Wizard;
  • find the option Java project either at the top of the list, or inside the folder Java;
  • press Next;

Screenshot 08

  • this step applies only if you have chosen the option Check out as project configured using New Project Wizard;
  • give a name to the new project (for example you could use assignment-01, etc.) by filling the Project name textbox;
  • press Finish;

Screenshot 09

  • this step applies only if you have chosen the option Check out as project configured using New Project Wizard;
  • ignore the warning and press Ok;

Screenshot 10

  • this is what you should have obtained by using either of the two options;

Screenshot 11



Please consult: User:Ciprian Dorin Craciun/Tools/Subclipse/Commit.



Please consult: User:Ciprian Dorin Craciun/Tools/Subclipse/Update.