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Hybrid Narrative Ecosystem

From Wikiversity

or Course: Ecology of Narratives II


Kai Pata - Tallinn University

Carina Roels - ITIN


Register yourself as a wiki user and add your name to the participant list!

Course settings


Tallinn University main Building Narva road 25, info from room P-511. Skype: kaipata (for those who want to follow what we do in remote way)

Tools: Joint Course Blog Wikiversity for collaborative work (we do groupwork in Wikiversity pages)

Individual tools: Brightkite.com or Zannel.com (additionally Twitter.com and Search.Twitter.com) Flickr.com Facebook.com


Aims of the course

  • To give learners an authentic experience of planning and participating in an ethnographic experiment exploring the geolocative hybrid ecosystem of narratives.
  • To develop competences of conducting design-based and action research.
  • To develop competences in analyzing geolocative data.

Brief outline


A geotagging setting, conceivable as a hybrid narrative ecosystem will be developed with students, according to the principles of design based research, incorporating aspects of action research approach.

On 2 contact days:

  • Day I) Introduction to the framework of ecology of hybrid narratives. Determining the theory and tools. Planning the experiment and augmenting artifacts.

After contact day, students work in groups to plan and augment a social narrative into the experimental setting.

  • Between contact days: Participating in an ethnographic experiment with other peer-students.

Each students collects geolocative narrative data from the settings and reflects impressions. Collaboration will EMERGE.

  • Day II) Data analysis. Evaluation of the experiment as a hybrid narrative ecolsystem

After contact day the groups analyse data and prepare a report.


  • 50 % active participation in experiment planning, conducting and analysis.
  • 50 % preparing the short report consisting of initial narrative, observations from the experiment, analysis of final narratives.

Design experiment groups


here will appear the group-work with design experiments

Outline and resources


DAY 1 27.04


Theoretical introduction ecological thinking, enacted learning, embodied simulation forms



Introduction to design experiment


Ecology of narratives as a design experiment

What? This theory is derived from ecological thinking, enacted learning, embodied simulation forms

Students start thinking what can be discovered and explored with this design experiment about cognitive interaction with stories.

How? This practice is derived from geolocative m-learning studies, Web 2.0 storytelling, emerging standards

Students start thinking, what is an applicable solution for urban hybrid narratives – who will participate, why, where, what tools are needed, how stories become visible for collaboration, which are new story-telling formats

Practical task Day 1: questions, topic of the narrative, personal tools

  • The design session is started with theoretical questions.
  • Discussing and deciding the topic of the individual/collaborative narrative.
  • The available personal tools are listed, discussed and tested.

Questions on slides

The presentation and testing and adjusting some possible tools and software


Scenario 1


List of some possible Tools


Perceptional level:

Elaborating stories and collaborating level:

Students start Wordpress accounts and become part of joint group blog contributors. http://wordpress.com Final narratives are elaborated in blog, using pictures from Flickr To select certain stories, group stories, please always use several tags!

The activity starts in the university – testing the applicability of the design idea in context. Finding some limitations


Practical task


The design session is finalized and the groups prepare preliminary designs (1 h).

Slides with questions

Practical task goal in general: Students discuss the aspects presented in the slide and prepare in groups preliminary design – flow of narrative construction with tool, people, artifacts (landscape view and activity view) and tell a user story (can be audio-recorded during presentation). Their research questions. Data-collection methods. Monitoring strategy during design experiment.

The groups present their designs, the common ground is reached for applicable design.


Discussion: how the work continues for running the design experiment (monitoring and data-collection, how much narrative-writing and reflection is expected for the last contact day. )

27.04.09-5.05.09: Individual and collabrative work


Geolocative activity in town


Data collection of geolocative narratives, and emerging collaboration on stories. Monitoring the storytelling


Work individually Take pictures of the places, things, impressions that you visit or get Upload with Brightkite or Zannel using locative function Take only these pictures that trigger a story and remember why you took the picture Monitor what other people upload In their pictures or comments trigger you to do something, make more pictures Record if some idea came from other people's pictures

Pictures are automatically transported to the Flickr an Facebook Add your relevant tags + narrativeecology tag You can browse and look what other people have uploaded Look the map view as well Comment pictures and texts if you feel so. Add comments: why you took this picture

Blog about your pictures in joint blog. Pull the picture feed to illustrate your narrative. You can blog of the other people pictures what give you a strong impression, use their pictures! In the blog, use always selective tags (you decide which!) to extract certain stories Monitor what other people do and comment if you think something interesting happened.

You must every day upload at least 3 pictures!

Students’ DAiLY reflect postings


Writing impression in joint course blog, relating postings geolocatively with the artifacts from narrative (data collection of cognition).

Monitoring what is going on


Various feeds are pulled together to monitor the activity online

DAY 2 5.05


Data analysis. Conclusions of the design experiment.


(we could use wiki)