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၆ တန်ꩻအဉ်းဂလစ်

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ယိုနောဝ်ꩻ ထွာ မန်းခမ်းကို အထဝရန်း (အလယ်တန်း) သားဖုံႏတာႏ ၆ တန်ꩻ (Grade 6 English Textbook) အဉ်းဂလစ်တကွို့ꩻ ပြန်ႏပအိုဝ်ႏခါꩻတကွို့ꩻနေးသွူ။



In this course you will be working with your teacher and other students in your class to develop new skills and knowledge that will help you to understand more about English and how it is used in the real world. You will learn to solve problems and think creatively. In some lessons you will work in pairs or in groups and at other times you will work as a class or individually. We hope you will find the lessons interesting

This Grade 6 English Textbook covers 7 main content areas: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar and Syntax, and Functional Language.

How you will be learning — THE FIVE C'S

Your teacher will use the 5 C's as important 21+ century. skills for learning that will enable You to participate actively in all lessons:

Collasgration - in lessons you will work in groups, to share ideas with your classmates and to find solutions together.

Communication - you will develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills in reading, ariting, speaking and listening in all subjects, no: ony in language lessons.

Critical thinking and problem solving — you will be given interesting problems to solve — finding and explaining solutians, looking for and correcting errors,

Creativity and innovation — thinking "outside the box’ is an important 21st century skill. You will be encouraged to explore new ideas and solve problems in new ways.

Citizenship - you will take part in the school community and develop faimess and conflict resolution skills.

What you will know and be able to do at the end of the grade

At the end of this Grade 6 English Textbook you will be able to

  • understand words and expressions in the listening texts and dialogues.
  • give responses and express your opinions through pair work and group wrk.
  • deal with common, everyday situations in an English-speaking environment.
  • perform a variety of real-life tasks through role-plays, guessing games, information-gap activives, and projects, which promote your interactive skills.
  • read and understand a variety of reading materials: postcards, letters, notes, leaflets, brouchures, advertisements, emails and stories, which will develop an interest in learning.
  • develop vocabulary related to the lesson topics and use the acquired vocabulary in communicative situations.
  • produce a writing outcome of the given text types by using questions, prompts and suggestions.
  • understand and use the grammatical structures in communicative situations.
  • develop an interest in local and regional knowledge and culture.
  • promote Higher Order Thinking Skills In your learning process.




Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12


  1. Basic Education Curriculum and Textbook Committee of Myanmar