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HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Research papers that reflect the topic of the doctoral student in the framework of two different management theories.

Time-based ECTS credits: 20-27.03.2010; (20% * 6 ECTS = 1,5 ECTS) ~ 30 hours

Learning outcomes: understand the development of management thought.

Subject specific competencies: According to Hellriegel six competencies are essential to managerial effectiveness: communication, planning and administration, teamwork, strategic action, global awareness and self-management (2002, p 5).

Assessment criteria of the homework:

  • reviewed research papers of two prominent researchers in the organization and management field that represent conflicting theories or at least alternative concepts.
  • compared the discourse of these authors clearly (if needed, giving additional references to related authors.
  • demonstrated, how these theories or concepts are relevant to his/her dissertation and given arguments of his/her position – to reject one of theories, to see these theories as mutually complementary or to integrate these approaches on a new level.
  • Logical structure and correct references of the homework. Homework should be 2000-3500 words plus analyzed research papers as attacments.

Two prominent researchers


During 20-27.03.2010 I focused on systems and quality viewpoints (Hellriegel et al, 2002, figure 2.1) which should be relevant to my dissertation. Two prominent researchers in the management thought are William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – December 20, 1993) and Peter Michael Senge (born 1947), both are well educated in engineering and have alternative viewpoints to management.

Comparison the discourse of these researchers



How these theories are relevant to my dissertation?


Links to Deming’s model (1920) Deming Cycle (PDSA) and Senge’s model (1990) Five Disciplines (Senge). My dissertation is related to the quality of accounting in teaching-learning processes. The focus is on the learner’s work processes. The 4 parts of Deming cycle plan, do, study and act (PDSA) are relevant to improve extrinsic motivation. The 5 components of Senge model systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision and team learning are relevant to improve intrinsic motivation. According to Senge learning becomes institutionalized as an inescapable way of life for managers and workers alike (1999, p 35). All members of organization have to develop competencies that enable to perform effectively: develop a level of self-management competency that allows them to continue with the learning process, build learning communities exploiting each others skills while providing social support and observing the contributions of each member, reflect on the learning processes and articulate what they have learned. My continual learning is important aspects of improving quality of accounting in teaching-learning processes. My intrinsic motivation is to develop my managerial, pedagogical and ITC competenciesthat enable to perform effectively by designing and delivering the educational experience, supporting meaningful learning and reflection, advising students, creating and coordinating the work of learning community and developing relationships with other students.

My arguments to integrate these approaches on a new level


The systems viewpoint of management represent an approach to solve problems by diagnosing them within a framework of inputs, transformation processes, outputs, and feedback (Hellriegel 2002, p 57). Transformation processes at university include lectures, assignments, lab experiments, term papers, tests. Feedback is information about a system’s status and performance. A manager role is to guide transformation processes by planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Hellriegel 2002, p 58). I tend to think that assessment for learning (not assessment of learning) represents efforts to manage learning process, the emphasis on feedback, self- and peer assessment. Constructivist educational portfolios can be used for the assessment for learning. Course portfolios are designed by students.I use electronic course portfolio to provide overview of how well I am doing. I tend to think that Nonaka and Takeuchi theory about the knowledge transformation processes ( SECI model (Nonaka Takeuchi) 1995) is a management thought from the pedagogical perspective. Yli-Luoma & Naeve article Towards a semantic e-learning theory by using a modelling approach have reviewed the four Socialisation, Externalisation, Combination and Internalisation (SECI) processes of knowledge conversion: Collecting experiences, Discussing experiences, Modeling articulated concepts, Reflecting on the models. Teaching-learning tools should be classified according to Yli-Luoma & Naeve: Community building tools, Discussion supporting tools, Conceptual modelling tools, Reflective analysis tools. The aim of my dissertation is to develop a conceptual modelling tool of the accounting process and use this tool to study quality of accounting knowledge in teaching-learning processes. Simplified conceptual modelling tool should free learners from routine tasks and give them more time to spend on problem solving and communication. Electronic communication tools makes it possible for students who don't see each other to work together as a team. The way how to study quality of knowledge conversion is based on the combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods.



Hellriegel, D. Jackson, S.E., Slocum J.W. 2002. Management: A Competency-Based Approach. Cincinatti: South-Western

Hoyer, R. W., Hoyer, B. B. Y., Crosby, P. B., Deming, W. E., et al. 2001. What is quality? Quality Progress, 34, (7)

Senge, P. 1999. It's the learning: The real lesson of the quality movement The Journal for Quality and Participation. Cincinnati:Nov/Dec 1999. Vol. 22, Iss. 6, p. 34-40 (7 pp.)