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Welcome to Viciversitas

Saluete, discipuli et magistri!

Viciversitas is intended to be a collaborative, free, online plataform for interactive learning: collaborative due to its search of equal and active involvement of its participants, free for not aiming at earn any benefit but for the spread of knowledge itself, and online being a website open to everyone, anywere, and anytime, that is, universal; all aforesaid, matches faultlessly with the ancient definition of what a «uniuersitas» was, a commonwealth, a comunity of people joined together by their common interest in study and knowledge. In our case, being latin our language, and the latinitas our defining spirit. Certainly, the fact that English is the dominant way, nowadays, to the wide exchange and traffic of ideas, our strain to conduct us in a reputed as "dead" language could be seen as a problematic point, to be briefly discussed hereinafter.

Latin being nowadays, sadly, a "dead" language, it possible to see, instead, quite an advantage in it: potential for clarity. Being English (as any currently "living" language) a daily and plain used lexis, it's words are always kinda charged with so many meanings and connotations, which some times cause trouble trying to speak accordingly to a system with well-defined meaning for its terms; not so Latin, being a language nowadays only carefully used at formal and very specific contexts, with more definite, technical, meanings. Also, being English so "universal", and widely understanded and used for exchanging knowledge, it's unnecesary to merely write a latin-translation of en.wikiversity, being possible for us a different approach, like a breath of fresh air, more systematic, clearly stated, and (why not?) elegant; though, as well, as Wikipedia, which, like a modern Encyclopédie, has become an iconic compendium of human knowledge, our Viciversitas could became a grave and solemn testimony, viewed from the atemporality of the latinitas, both as a language and a spirit of combined grandiosity and proficiency, and a tribute to the arts and sciencies of our age, as an enlightenment for the ages to come.

In conclusion, lets join our efforts in order to build a modelic community of study and sharing of knowledge, inviting anybody around the world to collaborate, no matter his procedance, being or not part of the ancient or canonic romanic world, or its descendant cultures; the only requirement it's to share this aforesaid spirit. In the same sense, the wikipedic spirit of collaborative and disinterested exchange thereto fully applies; feel equally free to discuss and give us your feedback and comments, and even minor proposals which can always be a great help for our project, but, above all: we eagerly encourage you to register and create your own account, and enter the Viciversitas.

If you joyfully decide to, or already got registered:
  • Viciversitas is still in beta, part of Wikiversity Beta as an incubator for new Wikiversity projects in various languages.
  • Also, Wikiversity beta is a hub for general multilingual discussions of Wikiversity policies and other issues.
  • Babel is our multilingual forum for general discussions and announcements.
  • If you are new to Wiki, here is the bare minimum for editing in wiki.
  • It's always recommendable to watch out the Disputatio, the discussion pages, and to check them before endeavouring in major changes or learning proyects; they are also the place for posting the proposals and ideas you want to share or discuss with the community.
Nothing more. Be bold, start writing, and enjoy!
March, the 3rd, 2017 AD --Periergos Johannes (talk)
Very interesting what you said you could do a guideline. And you could put the welcome message here Template: Welcome/La
And you could make a userbox for anyone who wants to contribute to Viciversitas. --Samuele2002 (Talk!) 08:48, 4 March 2017 AD (UTC)

Overall system: proposal


Pagina prima presents an overall division of the proposed contents to be included in our wiki, which are, being in Viciversitas, the potential sum of all of human knowledge; where I say potential, I refer, of course, to the necessity of establish a system able to include, ab initio, any disciplines, to be expounded and developed here at Viciversitas, in a future, not actually, by future contributors. Additionally, with some proper order and simplicity; being an encyclopedia, Wikipedia does not require any internal structure, but to merely host sets of articles, which only a posteriori might be included or linked by portals or categories' indexes, not being that the desirable example for the present project. It would be a lot more convenient for Viciversitas to have organized its contents in an efficient and methodical way, making easier for anybody searching for proper knowledge to reach it without missing or overlooking any contents of his interest, due to a confusing disposition of its resources. I, therefore, aiming to simplicity, move to consider only the following resources:

Lectio (pl. lectiones)
Basic page of contents, a lecture explaining a specific subject, an exposition not so short as the mere definition of a sole concept, nor excessively long, or exhausting all relationships involving the subject, but presenting the page as a part of a succession of more lectiones.
Pensum (pl. pensa)
A natural complement to lectiones (and necessarily linked to a lectio page); a page with excersises proposed in order to fix, if necessary, the concepts already explained at lectures.
Addendum (pl. addenda)
Any other single page not containing lectures, nor excersises (but also linked to lectio pages), as tables, graphics or diagrams, &c, complementaries to the lessons, and not belonging to or hosted at any other of the Wikimedia projects, like Wikitionary, Wikisource, &c.
Thema (pl. themata)
A thema page is intended to be the one of a course or learning project, presenting its guidelines, its goals, and linking to its lectiones and eventual pensa and addenda. In my opinion, the distinction at other Wikiversities (like the English one) between courses and learning projects leads to an unnecessary confusion and potential duplicities, which should be avoided in favour of clarity, and to not needlessly increase the number of resources' categories.
Schola (pl. scholae)
As thema pages link to its lectiones, the scholae link to its themata, after proper presentations and introduction. Scholae are, effectively, the schools or faculties at Viciversitas, the pages the categories in the Studia box, in Pagina prima, link to. Intermediate portals at the level between scholae and themata, such as sections, areas or departments, may or may not result convenient for better structuring the pages of a schola depending on their number or the extension of the studied discipline.
Studium (pl. studia)
Finally, the Studia box in Pagina prima gathers methodicaly what ancient university would has called properly scientiae, or "speculative" knowledge, which is: the disciplines which, like a mirror («speculum»), only reflect reality, opposed to arts, artes, which modify that reality, making use of those "sciences".

Stated that, I intend to show how both Institutiones and Politechnia are dependant on the Studia, not only inherently but formally and structurally; each of the links in their boxes driving to a schola-type page, some of their lectiones, even themata, should be nevertheless and primary part of an already defined studium, avoiding, as I'm moving to, any duplicities of contents and searching for structural clarity. For example: lessons on geometry, linked in Institutiones, should be part of the thema or section, department... of Geometria, belonging to the Schola Mathematica; lessons on basic physics, part of the studies of Architectura, are primary linked from the Schola Physica; grammar lessons at Institutiones are part of the school of Linguistics, and so on. Therefore, I will briefly explain the aim of the proposed primary division in Institutiones, Studia and Politechnia:

  • Institutiones are sets of lessons arranged by level, to be a kind of whole pre-universitarian course, gathering all its levels from primary level and organizing them in the classical and scholastic division of trivium and quadrivium, avoiding any similarities with current scholary curricula of modern countries, searching for universality and neutrality, and considering it the most appropiate schema for the latinitas and a classicist formation (because we're not merely translating en.wikiversity, but setting up a project on our own). The important point is that all lessons linked at Institutiones should be also linked as a part (the introductory part) of the correspondent sciences at the Studia section. The contents of the divisions of the Institutiones shall be discussed at their proper talk page.
  • On their behalf, not all the lessons of Politechnia courses shall belong to one of the Studia disciplines; only the introductory and theoretical ones. «Politechnia» as a term intends to denote the old Artes in its above mentioned original sense, as oposed to the only speculative scientiae; as a "politechnical school" is the home of all Engineerings, not only what today would properly considered "Arts". It may be the case that some lessons at Institutiones (on Harmonia, for example) were linked or even included as introductory lessons of some Engineerings or Arts (like Musica). Contents of the disciplines at Politechnia are quite evidents and self-explanatory, but, as respecting on Institutiones, they shall be discussed at the proper talk page.
  • And finally, the Studia, as stated before, are the sets of lessons arranged by subject, to say, the several sciences of nature and reality. Their gathering starts splitting them in two: first, the ones which could be called "instrumental" or organum novum, as I see them; because the quest for knowledge starts and gets guided by Philosophy, gets analyzed by Mathematics, and properly treated, codificated, so stored, and world-wide shared, thanks to Informatics. After this "organum", the sciences of the physical word, understood and subdivided in terms of increasing complexity; being all of them, in the end, like "regional" studies on parts of physics, I considered the greatests laps on grade of the aforesaid complexity, the first, the characteristically accumulative self-replicancy (to say, life), and the accumulative self-conscious self-replicancy (to say, human culture) of physic systems. However, obviating this hierarchy, which initially only applies to the Studia presentation in Pagina prima, all disciplines are equally organized into Scholae, structured according to the aforesaid schema of lectiones and themata.

So this is my abridged proposal moved to give our project an efficient and methodical, but no closed, or inconveniently rigid, form and structure, taking advantage of being the Viciversitas at such an embryonary state, but the very and timely moment for adopting it. Calling for an open debate, I eagerly and humbly subdue myself to anyone willing to freely provide us with new, improving or distinct ideas, to be here constructively discussed.
March, the 4th, 2017 AD, --Periergos Johannes (talk)

Favorable fully --Samuele2002 (Talk!) 08:55, 4 March 2017 AD (UTC)