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Latest comment: 8 years ago by Timboliu in topic Dutch Wikiversity

< Hoofdpagina

MVO Nederland sluit graag op een of andere manier aan bij het MVO gilde


Hoi Tim,

Ik ben Lara en werk bij MVO Nederland, een kennis en netwerk organisatie over MVO. Ik ben erg geïnteresseerd om te kijken wat de mogelijkheden voor een samenwerking zijn!

Groet. Lara

Hoi Lara, super! Is het een idee om een keer te bellen? Misschien is het handig om even via de mail gegevens uit te wisselen. Mijn mailadres is tim.ruijters@gmail.com. Timboliu (talk) 12:25, 6 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

I responded on User talk:Crochet.david, with [1]. You need an admin to add whitelisting text to the MediaWiki whitelist control page. Any custodian can do it. So far, nobody on Beta has added anything to the whitelist. It was like that on en.wikiversity until I needed a whitelisting, and it happened that I'd been engaged in massive efforts previously over blacklisted web sites. It is not uncommon for a useful site to be blacklisted, the meta administrators mostly think about en.wiki, reliable source, but there can be lots of reasons to link to other sites, and they don't care. Just get it whitelisted if you need it, they say, and what happened with your request is very common. --Abd (talk) 02:58, 31 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thank you very much for your response. Do you also know where I can find a custodian? And is David a custodian? Timboliu (talk) 06:13, 31 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
Crochet.david is a custodian. The full list of custodians is at Special:ListAdmins, but based on the Special:ActiveUsers report it seems he is currently the only active custodian around here, which is why I contacted him. TeleComNasSprVen (talk) 06:47, 31 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
I don't see that TCNSV contacted David on this issue, I did. But, whatever. --Abd (talk) 23:14, 21 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the info. I hope david puts the link I wanted to add on a (local) whitelist. Regards, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 11:17, 31 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
In my comment about the link to David.crochet, I pointed to a problem with the URL. It requires a log-in. That's not going to allow this URL to be used here, because a custodian cannot check the file to make sure they are not allowing, by whitelisting, a link to some spam site. Would you check the URL? If you have a log-in to some related site, that site might be recognizing it, so you'd need to log out to see what we would see. Let me know what you find and I will then do what I can to get the page whitelisted. I've been through this many times.
Meanwhile, if you want to, you can place the link on a page like this:
That can be copied and pasted into (almost) any browser, you won't need to edit it, as with the workaround you used. Because http:// is missing, MediaWiki software doesn't recognize it as a URL, so the spam-blacklist doesn't block it, but browsers routinely fill that part in. Be careful. If you do this with an improper link, it could be considered disruptive, but as long as this is reasonably okay, there should be no problem.
There are other active custodians, but first, please come up with a better link if possible. Perhaps to a page that explains what the site is and links to it. --Abd (talk) 23:14, 21 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
  • Timboliu, I asked you to supply a better link to the URL you wanted whitelisted. The link that you had requested to be used requires a log-in. If I know specifically what URL you need, I can then make the request for you, if you still need the help. --Abd (talk) 22:16, 5 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hello Abd, sorry for not reacting. I don't know a link which requires no log-in. Then the URL can probably not be on a whitelist. Timboliu (talk) 22:31, 5 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. If it requires a log-in, then the question becomes if this is a worthwhile link for Beta wikiversity. Maybe it is, but, then, the question becomes how one obtains an account, what is involved. I don't know how you want to use this link, and I don't know what it would eventually show. It's just that there might be a way, I'm assuming you had a purpose in requesting the link be whitelisted. --Abd (talk) 23:34, 5 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hello Abd, I think it is not necessary to put it on the whitelist. I just wanted to register where I asked the question. People who are interested can make a login to see if there's already an answer. Thank you for the information. Regards, Tim Timboliu (talk) 06:59, 6 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia projecten


Dag User:Timboliu, ben jij dit? Lotje (talk) 07:49, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hoi Lotje, ik weet niet hoe ik kan zien of ik dat ben? Kan ik ergens mijn userid terug vinden? Wat is de reden dat je het vraagt? Met vriendelijke groet, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 07:57, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Ah ik heb het gevonden :-) Dat ben ik inderdaad. Timboliu (talk) 07:58, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Ah, ik zie dat je ondertussen je SUL heb vervolledigd. Hierdoor zullen imo meer gebruikers de weg naar hier vinden. Lotje (talk) 08:22, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Oke Lotje, bedankt voor de tip. Ik kan me niet herinneren dat ik ooit op die SUL pagina geweest ben, maar ik kan me vergissen. Is dit een soort user profiel? Timboliu (talk) 09:00, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Het staat voor Single User Profile (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Unified_login) maar ik kan de content op deze pagina niet aanpassen. Timboliu (talk) 09:00, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Nee, die content kan niet manueel worden aangepast (we cheaten toch niet!), dat gaat automatisch (Unified login). Bij "voorkeuren" kan je onder "Globale gebruikerstatus" terecht voor meer informatie. "Gegevens over globale gebruiker bekijken" biedt een overzicht. Zo kan je over jezelf (maar ook van andere gebruikers) heel wat aflezen. (waar/wanneer (datum koppeling)/geblokkeerd/aantal bewerkingen/groepen).
Neem nou, ik wil meer informatie over de gebruikersnaam die je hier hanteert (ik mag je toch tutoyeren hoop ik?), dan vul ik op de pagina Globaal gebruikersbeheer jouw gebruikersnaam in en... wat zie ik? .. Dat jij hier al flink veel werk leverde. Op dit eigenste moment 31.171. En dat,... mijn beste Timboliu, dat verdient een slabbetje :-) Lotje (talk) 12:45, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hoi Lotje, natuurlijk mag je me tutoyeren. Ik ben nog jong, 38, niet meer zo jong, helaas :-). Bijna 32000 bewerkingen. Wat een hoop! Maar ik heb er ook echt veel plezier in om informatie te delen via de wikiversiteit. De afgelopen jaren echt super veel leuke contacten opgedaan. Iedereen vindt Wikipedia en ook de zusterprojecten (die ze vaak niet kennen) positief. Afgelopen week had ik bijvoorbeeld contact met Rob Vanwersch. Hij doet in mijn vakgebied (procesoptimalisatie) echt heel interessant onderzoek. Ben wel nieuwsgierig naar jou achtergrond? Op welke wikimedia projecten bij jij zoal actief? Wat beweegt jou om er aan mee te doen? Bedankt trouwens voor de info over de globaal gebruikersbeheer. Inderdaad interessant om te zien wat iemand gedaan heeft op wikimedia. Groet, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 08:09, 21 June 2014 (UTC)Reply



Best Timboliu, ik was zo vrij een paar typos aan te passen. Persoonlijk vind ik dat de afbeelding er beter zou uitzien wanneer rechts geplaatst. Lotje (talk) 13:01, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hoi Lotje, tot nu toe heb ik afbeeldingen altijd links gezet, maar ik ben het eigenlijk wel met je eens. Bedankt trouwens voor het toevoegen van de kameel bij artikel CamelCase. Nu snap ik pas waarom het zo heet. Timboliu (talk) 05:50, 21 June 2014 (UTC)Reply



Dag Timboliu, in bovenstaand artikel vermeldt U templates. Het gebruik van sjablonen lijkt mij geschikter. Lotje (talk) 09:25, 22 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Lotje, bedoelde je https://beta.wikiversity.org/wiki/Sjablonen? Timboliu (talk) 11:23, 22 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Inderdaad, ik zie dat je ondertussen hernoemde. Bedankt. Lotje (talk) 11:37, 22 June 2014 (UTC)Reply



Timboliu, denk je dat het zinvol is een sjabloon te maken dat kan worden ingevoegd om naar files/categories te linken op Commons? Lotje (talk) 11:40, 22 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Lotje, wat bedoel je hiermee? Ik weet dat afbeeldingen op Wikimedia Commons gecategoriseerd zijn.Timboliu (talk) 17:58, 22 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Voorbeeldje: wanneer op de pagina CamelCase het sjabloon Template:Commonscat wordt geplaatst, wordt een link toegevoegd naar de Categorie Camel case bij Commons:Wikimedia:Commons Lotje (talk) 06:54, 23 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
Lotje, meer links lijkt me altijd goed :-) Doen dus, lijkt mij? Timboliu (talk) 20:49, 23 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Dutch Wikiversity


Hoi Timboliu!

It seems like most of the pages you are adding contain only very little educational components. As you are the only regular contributor to this project you are also rather free regarding the definition of the project scope but maybe it would be nice if you stopped creating such pages in the future (see also Crochet.david's examples a few sections above). The way it currently is, Wikiversity may have it hard to become a credible OER platform in the Dutch language, as also many users I spoke to on IRC would confirm.

Kind regards, Vogone (talk) 23:09, 22 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hello Vogone, thank you for your feedback. The Dutch wikiversity is still in beta. I'm still figuring out what's the best way to get more people interested in participating in the project. I'm working hard to make the quality better. If you have suggestions to make the quality better, please share them with me. Regards, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 20:27, 23 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Nederland


Hallo Timboliu. Even een paar kanttekeningen bij de Wikiversitypagina's over de Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland en de medewerkers van Wikimedia Nederland op Nl WIkiversity. Het is aan de Wikiversity gemeenschap om te bepalen of deze informatie relevant is. WMNL mengt zich nooit in discussies over de inhoud van Wikimedia-projecten en doet ook in dit specifieke geval geen uitspraken over de inhoud van Wikiversity. Overigens is de actuele informatie over bestuur en medewerkers van Wikimedia Nederland te vinden op de website en de wiki van de vereniging. Ik zou je wel willen vragen om er op te letten dat er op de pagina's van de medewerkers alleen informatie vermeld wordt die rechtstreeks te maken heeft met hun werk bij Wikimedia Nederland. Links naar persoonlijke facebook-pagina's etc. lijken me niet gepast. Vriendelijke groet, Sandra Rientjes, directeur Wikimedia Nederland. SRientjes (talk) 12:39, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hoi SRientjes, bedankt voor de tip. Timboliu (talk) 18:36, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hoi SRientjes, ben naar aanleiding van je tip ook een richtlijnen pagina gestart. Zie https://beta.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wie_is/richtlijnen. Mvg, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 21:24, 2 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Dank je wel! SRientjes (talk) 15:18, 3 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

Copyvio vermijden


Ik kan de copyvio nog steeds zien, dus in hoeverre is uw poging om copyvio te "vermijden" in uw beleving geslaagd? Mvg, Woodcutterty (talk) 19:03, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

Woodcutterty, heb artikel opnieuw aangepast. Volgens mij is er op dit moment geen sprake meer van copyvio. Timboliu (talk) 19:19, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Wat is dit dan. Woodcutterty (talk) 19:24, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Wat bedoel je precies met 'dit'. Je verwijst nu naar een oude versie van het artikel. Ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt. Timboliu (talk) 19:26, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
Het inbreukmakende materiaal staat nog gewoon online. Door een artikel te herschrijven verwijder je het dus niet, je verdoezelt het alleen maar. Een artikel zou dus verwijderd moeten worden en dán pas zou een nieuwe versie geplaatst moeten worden. Woodcutterty (talk) 22:01, 2 July 2014 (UTC)Reply



Hallo Timboliu, Omdat je in de voorbije weken op Beta Wikiversity actief bent geweest dit bericht. Vandaag heb ik op Beta Wikiversity moderatorrechten gekregen (custodian). Tevens heb ik daar een verwijderprocedure, nominatiesjabloon en nominatiepagina ingericht. De verwijderprocedure is vergelijkbaar met die op nl-wiki:

  • Je nomineert een pagina ter verwijdering met {{Weg}}.
  • Je plaatst vervolgens op Wikiversity:Te verwijderen pagina's een link naar de genomineerde pagina + argumentatie waarom de pagina beter verwijderd kan worden.
  • Gedurende twee weken hebben gebruikers de tijd om hier eventueel op te reageren met argumenten.
  • Na twee weken zal een custodian (ik nu dus) de nominatie beoordelen op basis van de primaire uitgangspunten van Wikiversity, richtlijnen en de gegeven argumenten.

Vermeld zeker in de eerste maanden zo duidelijk mogelijk waarom een pagina beter verwijderd kan worden, zodat zo veel mogelijk mensen het waarom begrijpen. Tevens lijkt het mij het beste als er meerdere pagina's bestaan met hetzelfde probleem en dezelfde nominatiereden, die tegelijk te nomineren, zodat de discussie niet meermaals wordt gevoerd. Ik hoop dat we met elkaar Beta Wikiversity zo goed kunnen opschonen van zaken die daar niet thuishoren. Ik zal proberen dagelijks de nominaties te bekijken, maar mocht het mij ontschieten, laat het me dan gerust weten. Groetjes - Romaine (talk) 16:27, 25 July 2014 (UTC)Reply



Beste Tim,

Dankzij het feit dat je ergens je zondags naam gemeld heb, was het mogelijk jouw Linkedin-pagina te vinden. Ik trek daaruit de conclusie dat jij Wikiversity op grove wijze misbruikt om jouw commerciële belangen te verspreiden in de wereld.

Ik zou het bijzonder op prijs stellen wanneer jij jouw eigen werk met spoed voordraagt voor verwijdering.

Met geïrriteerde groet, The Banner talk 09:50, 29 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

(i.a.a. Romaine)

The Banner, Op welke plek doe ik dit dan? Timboliu (talk) 13:24, 29 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

reverted edit to Archive


[2] was your edit to an archive, which I reverted, because normally new edits should not be made to archives. People who are watching Babel would not see that edit. I saw it because I created that archive. If you wish to comment on Babel, please do so on Wikiversity:Babel itself. --Abd (talk) 15:57, 19 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Abd, sorry, I didn't realise it was an archive. Cheers, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 05:45, 20 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

How to handle the deleted pages


I wrote on User talk:Erkan Yilmaz that I would advise you here. But in starting to write this, I've settled on something I think better. I will propose this to Erkan. You will then be able to help with ultimate cleanup. Thanks. --Abd (talk) 18:12, 20 August 2014 (UTC)Reply



Dag Timboliu, I'm still reading up on things here, but it'd be great if we can meet at IRC #wikiversity or #wikiversity-en (see how to go there via Wikiversity:Communication/En). ----Erkan Yilmaz uses the Wikiversity:Chat (try) 20:21, 20 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

I'm adding thoughts here and was wondering what ways you see so far? E.g. what could be a minimal solution for you? ----Erkan Yilmaz uses the Wikiversity:Chat (try) 22:27, 20 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hi Erkan, I logged into Freenode and left you a hello-message. I also red your thoughts. I really like them, especially starting a learning project together. One of the learning projects I was really proud of was the companies and markets learning project. As a business consultant I want to understand (c.q. learn) about what's happening in organizations, what are trends in certain markets. I started the same learning project on the English wikiversity: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Companies and https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Markets. What I also like is the concept of learning circles (https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Learning_circles) Timboliu (talk) 05:54, 21 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Would be great when you can also do some summary of the understanding you got, e.g. publish regularly a "trend analysis"? I gave some feedback at
Hi Erkan, I looked at your remarks and removed or changed content. Timboliu (talk) 21:35, 21 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Dank je wel!
I see also others commented, changed things. No wiki page is certainly ever finished, so we'll progress from here. ----Erkan Yilmaz uses the Wikiversity:Chat (try) 09:27, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Your thoughts on


What do you think about "If there are pages which could easily be improved to stay in the main namespace, such would have done." ? (from here). The "minimal solution" could help if some things unsatisfactory, see also [3].----Erkan Yilmaz uses the Wikiversity:Chat (try) 09:30, 21 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hello Erkan Yilmaz, I'm not sure what the question is. Do you want to know my opinion about the current rules? I think the rules are good, but what I don't know is how to change the rules so my content would't have been deleted. I also don't want to get in a difficult discussion again. I think it's best to get help from for example Dutch Wikimedia. In my opinion we should add a rule that learning circles should have a lot of freedom about how they want to learn. I also believe that this is a best practice on for instance the English wikiversity. Timboliu (talk) 21:44, 21 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Does that include request for sponsoring, as you did a couple of times in the first series? The Banner talk 22:41, 21 August 2014 (UTC)Reply



There are some pages remaining on the proposed deletion page. I recommend that you immediately do two things:

1. If you wish to consent to the deletion of pages, place a speedy deletion template on the page. That would be at the top of the page,

{{delete|your reason}}

You can leave the existing [[Template:Weg}} in place, but it would also be useful for you to note your deletion request on that Dutch deletion process page. This represents you taking charge of those pages, instead of just sitting passively back while others do stuff. Good for the soul, in fact. Not suicide! It's your choice.

2. If you wish to keep any remaining undeleted pages, that were proposed for deletion either with the template or on the deletion page, move them to your user space and remove the template. Note that you did this, as well, on the deletion request page. You have my permission, instead, to move any these pages to my user space, in which case I'd caretake them. I have in mind the recipe pages, which could become part of a Cooking resource. I would move this myself, except that I don't want to work in Dutch. Bad Idea. The basic concept is to create a resource on cooking, with a subpage on Recipes, and then those pages are subpages of the Recipes page.

My opinion is that you may remove the Weg tag. Romaine may disagree, but given that these pages have been moved to your user space, his proper jurisdiction is shot, if you take the Dutch category tags off of the pages, so that they are no longer part of the Dutch Wikiversity. That's important. This takes the page away from the Dutch project. And they want that, right? Later, with consensus, a Cooking resource may be created and pages might be moved back.

(If pages are moved to my space, the Dutch Wikiversity category tags should also be removed.)

As you may have noticed, some are not taking kindly to my intervention, but I've really done very little except to describe what happened. It is amazing how some people get completely upset by plain description. I have now taken a very minor action, I don't know if you saw it, and I'm advising you about a bit more. Good luck. --Abd (talk) 03:10, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

If you want a list of the worst advices of the year, see this message above.
And you reacted with false harassments and wrong assumptions, you try to bypass community process, and then you are surprised that the community doesn't like that? Maybe it is time for you to wake up! Romaine (talk) 05:52, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Abd, yesterday I had a good conversation with Romaine about making a plan for the future of the Dutch wikiversity. I think it's best for now to start with a clean sheet. I have an export of the 5000 pages and I'm creating my own wiki so no information is lost. What I would like to do is first improve my relationship with the current wikiversity community. I'm also curious about the education program that will be implemented this and next year. I would like to see the result of this program. What I also would like to do is discuss with the community to re-start a learning project about system development (my expertise). And finally I would like to initiate a discussion about how we want to learn and how we want to collaborate. Restoring my content now, will make a lot of people very unhappy and I would like to work with these people in the future. I hope you don't see this as me sitting passively back. I want to be part of the process. But for now I think it's best to put energy in making a plan with the people who are involved. I hope you are not disappointed in my vision. I have been really happy with your actions and I'm also very happy to see that there are people who share a similar vision on what wikiversity can be. I would like to keep in contact with you and Erkan Yilmaz and ask your advise about the next steps to take. Timboliu (talk) 14:54, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Suit yourself, and it can be useful and educational for you to work with a community, even with a difficult one. Seeing my suggestion, it appears that Romaine went ahead and deleted those pages ahead of schedule, violating the process that he, himself, created. (see Wikiversity:Te_verwijderen_pagina's/Archief/201408, I assumed you had until August 29.)
He also reached into your user space and moved User:Timboliu/Plan 2014 back to mainspace, even though I'd removed the Dutch Wikiversity tag from it, and then deleted it. I have a copy at User:Abd/Plan 2014, because I suspected he might do something like that. He is not the Dutch community, but represents a faction. A large faction, by the way, and that large factions can gather and push process is a general wiki problem. Wikipedia has still not figured out how to handle that; sometimes, with huge effort, it does it with Arbitration Committee process. And then the problem reappears, because the root of it has not been identified. --Abd (talk) 15:30, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
@Timboliu: that sounds to me like a very sensible reaction. I am happy to advise you on anything to work together on creating educational content together.
Also do understand that the behaviour of Abd is considered to be inappropriate. The best first step would be to declare that you disagree with all the actions of Abd on this wiki. Be also aware that he is not here to help you, but to disturb the situation. If he would have been on this wiki to help you, he would have started a dialogue with the Dutch community and would have used substantive arguments instead of attacks on the community or individual users.
Also disturbing the community process by hijacking pages is considered unacceptable. Romaine (talk) 15:42, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
PS: Be also aware that User:Abd has been blocked indefinitely on the English Wikipedia, for the same terrible behaviour as he now expresses on this wiki. Such behaviour, if continued, can only result in being blocked here as well. Romaine (talk) 15:49, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
No. Just for the record, I was community-banned for sock puppetry, one incident, that was then used as an excuse for what a certain faction had long wanted. The discussion was here. I had, before that, abandoned editing Wikipedia as useless. To give you a clue as to what was going on, the ban request was filed by an administrator whom I'd taken to ArbCom over an abusive action. (Did he disclose that history? What do you think?) My complaint was confirmed and that admin was reprimanded, and never forgave that. The discussion, as is common on AN discussions, represented a biased sample of the community, and, still, there was substantial opposition expressed to the community ban proposal. I have not appealed it, as I could, because it is not worth the trouble. I have no mission to accomplish on en.wikipedia that I cannot accomplish in other ways, much more easily.
The vote there was about 25:14 for ban. There had been that same ratio in a previous RfC over the sysop who started that discussion, even though my status was irrelevant, 2/3 of those voting commented "Ban Abd," and simply because I was raising an issue of sysop abuse. (They ignored that the RfC was co-signed by a very well-known and reputable user.) And then the Arbitration Committee completely verified my claim. In that case, they did not desysop, he was considered, I was told, extraordinarily valuable. In the next case, they did desysop, a very popular admin, in fact, who defied recusal requirements to block me. Oops! It's a bit like what is happening here, now. Completely unnecessary, all about "Ma Authorite."
Wikis can do that, create an appearance of consensus when there is none, it is participation bias.
I won't be responding more here, Timboliu, I'll chat with you, if needed, on en.wikiversity. --Abd (talk) 19:06, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
"No. Just for the record, I was community-banned for sock puppetry, one incident" -> Clearly the community on the English Wikipedia thinks differently about that. So you are still in denial about your personal problems? Interesting, that is worth a research. The research question will be: how long does it take for User:Abd to understand that he is himself the problem and is acting like Calimero? Now you gave me an extra reason to give you special attention. I hope you enjoy it.
  • "To give you a clue as to what was going on" -> That does not matter, you are still blocked there because of disruptive behaviour, the same behaviour you show here. If it was really a single admin there, you would have been unblocked already. Instead you are blocked indefinitely, meaning that you are a big trouble maker.
  • "The vote there was about 25:14 for ban." -> As you are full with this kind of replies: you probably have asked off-wiki other users to react in favour of you. That is called canvassing and highly unwanted.
  • "and simply because I was raising an issue of sysop abuse." -> Perhaps in your imaginary world, in the real world the situation is different from that.
  • "Wikis can do that, create an appearance of consensus when there is none, it is participation bias." -> Good you tell us that that is how you act here, thank you.
"for what a certain faction had long wanted" -> That is what you like to believe, the arbitrage committee and the community there thinks otherwise. Let me point to the Administrators' noticeboard on the English Wikipedia
    • "Abd has been a disruptive presence on this wiki for several years now." -> I haven't checked the rest of the time here, but this month you clearly have here a disruptive presence.
    • "This disruption is characterized by attempts to influence project governance in ways orthogonal to accepted modes" -> You do here as well.
    • "placing huge walls of text inside collapse boxes which "you don't have to read" but will be referred to nevertheless as being accepted if not read" -> The collapse boxes I still miss, but for the rest you try to do this here as well.
    • "a pattern of disruptive editing (including, but certainly not limited to, his communication style)" -> Yes, here as well!
    • "massive communicative issues" -> Present!
    • "one of en.wiki's preeminent experts in WP:IDIDNTHEARTHATese" -> Present!
    • "perhaps the single most concentrated example of WP:RANDY, -> Present!
      • "contributions are edited away by Randy in Boise who heard somewhere that sword-wielding skeletons were involved" -> Abd heard a sad story, and then jumps in without knowing what actually happened. The only thing is, we are not edited away!
    • "bad-faith edits" -> Present! Babel and other pages are full with that.
    • "a manipulative wiki-lawyer and process wonk when it suits him" -> Present!
    • "the games playing" -> Present!
    • "long history of disruptive editing" -> I haven't checked the length on this wiki, but almost from the first moment you got in action, you started with disruptive editing.
    • "problematic behaviour and a refusal to abide by community sanctions or modify their behaviour" -> Present!
    • "a large net negative for the project, wasting a lot of other contributors' time and goodwill." -> Present!
    • "shown that they are not going to be constructive, by the socking and documenting it on wikiversity" -> Interesting!
    • "Seems necessary here due to many past editing problems noted by various editors above." -> Present!
    • "Abd is wasting the time of other users and we need to make our disapproval explicit." -> I think it is time for that here as well.
    • "It's time for his departure to become permanent." -> Idem dito.
  • "I won't be responding more here" -> Finally a wise decision. Romaine (talk) 19:17, 22 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
The ididnthearthat and randy links don't work. Kattenkruid (talk) 08:13, 23 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Links fixed. Romaine (talk) 20:22, 23 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

log in and sign


I believe that this was you. That page seems to be designed for a conversation, so I suggest that you not only log in, but sign contributions there, so that they may be distinguished from other kinds of content. There is, for example, a question there that I could answer, as to what I meant by my "last sentence." --Abd (talk) 17:53, 26 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi Abd, thanks for the tip. This page is indeed open for discussion. I signed/ will sign my contributions. Timboliu (talk) 08:22, 29 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I see that you had some communication on User talk:Van den Beemt, the author of Software Testen. I have copied this resource to my user space at User:Abd/Software Testen and have copied remaining pages in that resource to subpages of that. Since the author is a Dutch writer, perhaps you would like to email him and see if he is interested in completing the resource. There is a lot of work already done. It is possible that some of those pages should be merged. There are some pages with possible content for this resource that were not undeleted with the rest, I'll be looking at that. There might be an Introduction, for example.~

Hi Abd I have contacted user Van den Beemt in the past but never got a reaction. Before writing about project management and Agile software development again. I want to first start a learning project about Scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu/, a programming platform for children, Timboliu (talk) 08:22, 29 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

The basic problem seems to be for other users that the resource isn't complete. It takes time to complete resources. On en.wikiversity, we do not delete abandoned resources if they could be completed. We do have a template encouraging completion, as I recall. --Abd (talk) 04:33, 27 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Some help with Dutch


See [4], where I translate some Dutch. You are not the "neutral Dutch translator" I mention, but if you tell me my translation and conclusions are wrong, we won't need that translator, I'll simply trust you and apologize. Thanks. --Abd (talk) 16:45, 1 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Do you mean the translation of "ook mijn verzoek aan jou is om er niet meer te reageren, omdat ieder nieuw bericht enkel uitlokkend zal fungeren met meer in plaats van minder gedoe." into: "My request to you is to not to respond more, because each new post only is provocative and will create more instead of less hassle.". I think this is a correct translation. Regards, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 06:18, 4 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thank you. I was worried I might be right. --Abd (talk) 20:48, 4 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Rubriek in de nieuwsbrief van Wikimedia Nederland


Beste Timboliu , Voor een nieuwe rubriek in de nieuwsbrief van Wikimedia Nederland, ben ik op zoek naar iemand die kort wat wil schrijven over Wikiversity. Het stukje hoeft niet lang te zijn (een regel of 6) De bedoeling is om mensen te informeren over de diverse wiki's naast Wikipedia. Wellicht vindt u het leuk om iets te schrijven, of weet u iemand anders die dit zou willen en kunnen doen? Ik hoop iets van u te mogen vernemen. Bij voorkeur via de email info((at))wikimedia.nl Alvast bedankt!SindyM3 (talk) 10:23, 22 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hoi SindyM3, heel graag zou ik iets willen schrijven. Zeg maar 'je' trouwens :-).
Waarover zal ik een stukje schrijven? Wellicht is het een idee om iets te schrijven over 'Plan 2015'. Zie Jaarplan 2015
Heb zojuist in de Wikipedia kroeg een oproep geplaatst om advies te vragen.
Ik denk overigens dat het goed is, dat niet alleen de 'oudgedienden' bij Wikipedia meedenken over een plan. Groet, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 09:58, 2 November 2014 (UTC)Reply
Beste Timboliu, Sorry voor mijn late reactie. Ik had dit bericht gemist. Goed dat je andere mensen om input gevraagd hebt. Een aantal andere Wikimedia projecten hebben al in de nieuwsbrief gestaan. Wellicht geeft dat wat inspiratie voor een stukje. Het zou fijn zijn, maar ik weet niet of het haalbaar is, het stukje in de eerst volgende nieuwsbrief begin januari te plaatsen. SindyM3 (talk) 10:06, 9 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Kladblaadjes overal


Je bent nog steeds bezig overal tamelijk zinloze kladblaadjes aan te maken. Is het niet zinvoller om je op 1 concreet project te richten en daar wat zinvols mee te doen? Met je huidige werkwijze maak je gewoon pijnlijk duidelijk dat er opnieuw een opruimronde moet komen omdat je niets hebt begrepen van de eerdere kritiek. The Banner talk 10:29, 12 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hoi The Banner, ik beperk me t.a.v. mijn kladblaadjes aanpak tot mijn eigen namespace. Volgens mij mag je daar je eigen manier van werken hanteren. Mijn plan is echter om het samen-leren-project als leerproject in de hoofdnaamruimte te zetten. Ik weet nog niet hoe ik e.e.a. zou kunnen aanpakken. Heb toevallig onlangs Romaine om hulp gevraagd. Misschien dat jij me kunt helpen om e.e.a. op de juiste manier op te zetten. Met vriendelijke groet, Tim Ruijters, Timboliu (talk) 13:56, 12 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Incorrect, ook Werkplan 2015/Educatieprogramma was een kladblaadje van jouw hand. The Banner talk 21:29, 15 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Mijns inziens moet je eerst een concreet project opzetten en dat zinvolle inhoud geven. Daarna kun je er dieper op in gaan. Maar pas als je iets serieus heb staan, is het zinvol hulp te vragen. Een vaag, zweverig verhaal is heel moeilijk om bij te sturen. Een concreet verhaal, zelfs met fouten en omissies, is veel eenvoudiger bij te sturen. Inderdaad heb jij je eigen aanpak die zal verschillen van de mijne maar de basis blijft hetzelfde: stramien opzetten, uitbouwen, stramien bijstellen, uitbouwen etc. Zie hier voor de vorm die ik gekozen heb: User:The Banner/Workpage1. The Banner talk 21:39, 15 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Hoi The Banner, Je project ziet er goed uit! Ben zelf een poging aan het doen om het samen-leren-project van de grond te krijgen. Hoor het graag als je tips hebt. Timboliu (talk) 21:44, 15 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Als ik jouw was zou ik het veeeeeeeeeeel concreter aanpakken. Niet 25 subtakken van jouw project aanpakken maar slechts een en daar volledig induiken en uitwerken. 1 tak tegelijk uitwerken. Laat de takken maar even onvolgroeid, daar kan je altijd nog later op terugkomen. Niet gelijk hulp vragen maar eerst zorgen dat er iets nuttigs staat. The Banner talk 21:49, 15 May 2015 (UTC)Reply



In april 2015 hebben we contact gezocht met de werkgroep van Project Natuur. In 2015 willen we ook bij het SIDN aankloppen om financiering te krijgen om een pilot project uit te voeren op een basisschool.

Wie zijn "we"? The Banner talk 19:14, 18 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

The Banner, met 'we' doel ik op de mensen die betrokken zijn bij het samen-leren-project. Ook o Wikipedia wordt de 'we' gebruikt waarbij verwezen wordt naar Wikipedianen. Vanwaar je vraag? Timboliu (talk) 20:45, 18 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Omdat in het verleden "we" nogal eens bleek te staan voor "Timboliu". The Banner talk 21:23, 18 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Oke, ik begrijp het. Maar is het een probleem, als ik, vanuit een opstartend leerproject, in mijn eigen namespace, de term 'we' gebruik? De reden dat ik dit doe, is omdat ik van mening ben, dat acties vanuit een leerproject namens de leden van het leerproject worden uitgevoerd. Naar mijn mening heeft het gebruik van 'we' dus zelfs de voorkeur. Hoor graag hoe jij hier tegenaan kijkt. Timboliu (talk) 21:29, 18 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Als jij de enige medewerker aan het project bent, is het eerlijker te stellen dat jij iemand benaderd hebt in plaats van de suggestie te wekken dat er meer mensen bij betrokken zijn. The Banner talk 10:15, 19 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
The Banner, bedankt voor je suggestie. Is dit een persoonlijke mening of zijn hier ook richtlijnen over? Ik vind het persoonlijk namelijk een best practice om te spreken vanuit de leercirkel i.p.v. het individu. Ik zie dat dit op Wikipedia ook gebeurt. Soms is ook fijn om e.e.a. een beetje anoniemer te formuleren. Timboliu (talk) 12:34, 19 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Naar mijn mening is het beter gewoon de waarheid te spreken. Dus iets als "Ik heb contact gezocht.." of anoniemer "Er is contact gezocht..". Wikipedia is zelf is geen goede maatstaf meer. De verzuringsgraad is daar de laatste maanden enorm gestegen. The Banner talk 13:48, 19 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
The Banner, goede tip om 'er is contact gezocht' te gebruiken. Die ga ik zeker gebruiken. M.b.t. de verzuringsgraad. Het lijkt mij zinvol als Wikimedia Nederland, een faciliterende rol gaat spelen m.b.t. het verbeteren van de cultuur c.q. samenwerking. Sandra heeft ook al regelmatig aangeboden hier een rol in te willen spelen. Waar ik naar op zoek ben zijn een aantal mensen die willen meewerken aan een probleemanalyse om vervolgens in werkgroepen te gaan experimenteren met mogelijke oplossingen. Heb jij hier ideeën over? Ik heb o.a. contact met Graaf Statler die onlangs in de kroeg ook aangaf dat communicatie c.q. onduidelijkheid over de richting zorgt voor wrijving. Ben benieuwd naar jouw visie. Timboliu (talk) 09:55, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Wat ik al eerder stelde: houdt het concreet. Zorg dat er iets te zien valt. Er valt weinig te benaderen/communiceren/samen te werken als niet iets concreets is om mee aan de slag te gaan. Bouw eerst een stevig fundament voor je naar buiten treed. The Banner talk 10:10, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
The Banner, goede tips. Bedankt! Misschien is het meest concrete leerproject waar ik op dit moment mee bezig ben project natuur. Als ik door de natuur loop dat wil ik graag weten wat voor boom/ struik ik zie of welke vogel ergens vliegt. Waar ik aan zit te denken is het volgende: https://beta.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Timboliu/Project_natuur/Vogels. Maar hoe maak ik hier een leerproject van? De bedoeling is dus om een leerproject natuur te starten waar je meer kunt leren over de natuur. Timboliu (talk) 11:47, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply



Dag Timboliu, met mij gaat het uitstekend, bedankt voor het navragen. Wat betreft je vraag. Ik wil je wel graag behulpzaam zijn, maar ik heb nog steeds niet zo goed begrepen wat de bedoeling is van het project dat je zou opstarten. Wil je ouders en kinderen samen doen leren? Ik stel voor dat ik dan de domste vragen stel en de leerlingen een antwoord zoeken. Hier en daar een plaatje toevoegen zou het project leven kunnen inblazen en daar wil ook graag mijn steentje toe bijdragen. Lotje (talk) 09:30, 20 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hoi Lotje, het samen-leren-project heeft inderdaad als doel om docenten en ouders samen te laten leren. Een heel goed voorbeeld is Scratch. Via Scratch kunnen kinderen leren programmeren. Op school kan hier aandacht aan besteed worden, maar kinderen die het leuk vinden zouden samen met hun ouders verder kunnen leren. Heb jij zelf al eens iets met Scratch gedaan? Misschien wel leuk om eens naar te kijken? Ik help je graag op weg. Groet, Tim. Timboliu (talk) 09:46, 20 August 2015 (UTC)Reply



Dag Timboliu, misschien kan je tekst en uitleg over je initiatief+doelstellingen kenbaar maken op het Biologiecafé. Lotje (talk) 13:12, 25 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Dutch Wikiversity


when can there be a true Dutch Wikiversity? --Atcovi (talk) 00:18, 31 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Atcovi, this is not an easy question to answer. For several years I have put a lot of energy in setting up a Dutch wikiversity, but unfortunately my actions where not appreciated by the Dutch Wikipedia Community. In 2015, more than 5000 pages were removed because the Dutch Wikipedia Community thought the quality of those pages didn't match the quality standards. A group of 3-5 people removed all the pages, but until now those people didn't put much energy in creating a new version of a Dutch Wikiversity. I moved my learning projects to the English Wikiversity and I also started to set-up the Part-up wiki: https://partup.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page. I think this community is more open minded than the Dutch Wikipedia Community. I also informed the Dutch Wikimedia chapter about my concerns. See the talk page of Sandra Rientjes: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overleg_gebruiker:SRientjes#En_toch_is_het_jammer...
Anyway... what is the reason for your question? If you have any questions about Part-up (www.part-up.com) I'm happy to answer them. Regards, Tim, Timboliu (talk) 08:10, 31 December 2015 (UTC)Reply
Indeed a difficult question. As Timboliu already stated above, most pages were removed a couple of years ago as being substandard. But the main problem was another editor (non-Dutch) who behaved very badly and chased everybody away. The Banner talk 21:36, 31 December 2015 (UTC)Reply
Wow, I see. And @Timboliu to work on the English and Danish pages (already working on those topics at the Dutch Wikibooks). --Atcovi (talk) 00:02, 1 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Atcovi, I don't understand what you mean with "to work on the English and Danish pages...", regards, Tim Timboliu (talk) 10:51, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Create pages on English and Danish, similar to disss --Atcovi (talk) 23:47, 3 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Atcovi, sorry, I still don't understand your suggestion. Should I create pages on the Dutch wikiversity similar to the page you link to? That would be a good suggestion, but I prefer to put my energy in the Part-up wiki (https://partup.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page). Thanks for the suggestion though. Timboliu (talk) 10:36, 4 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Ik begrijp wat Atcovi bedoelt. Als de pagia's er wat 'gelikter' uitzien met plaatjes, een fraaie vormgeving e verdeling in portalen (bijv. Portaal:ICT mijn vakgebied) waar alles bij elkaar komt waar in Wikiversiteit over wordt geschreven komen er meer bezoekers en hopelijk ook meer medewerkende vrijwilligers op af. Iedereen is als lezer(es) begonnen en zo geraakt dat zij/hij zel zelf bij wil gaan dragen. Ga uit van goede wil, weet je nog? Vooralsnog is deze een beetje "naakt", leeg en saai. We willennaar een "aangeklede", "gevulde" en "opwindende" Dutch Wikiversity voor iedereen die Nederlands als eerste, tweede enz. taal heeft of deze als zodanig beschouwt of dat wil gaan doen in de (nabije) toekomst. KlaasZ4usV (talk) 15:05, 15 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
Hoi KlaasZ4usV, voel je vrij om verbeteringen door te voeren. Timboliu (talk) 08:36, 16 May 2016 (UTC)Reply