User talk:Fr33kman
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Wikiversity 以學習計劃為單位,目標是透過合作來深入理解知識( 批准維基項目建議書)、及製作自由教材。
維基學院 在學術道德條件下容許「原始研究」(亦可參閱研究指引),所以可在此編寫一些維基百科、維基教科書等不能收錄的資料。

- Wikiversity phiên bản beta là cổng chung sắp xếp đa ngữ dùng để thảo luận về các chính sách và vấn đề thuộc Wikiversity. Đây cũng là nơi ấp ủ và khởi tạo dự án Wikiversity trong các trang ngôn ngữ khác nhau.
- Dự án của chúng tôi được kiến tạo bằng kiến trúc đa lớp và là diễn đàn đa ngữ dành cho những thông báo và thảo luận chung.
- Wikiversity beta is a hub for general multilingual discussions of Wikiversity policies and other issues. It is also an incubator for new Wikiversity projects in various languages.
- Babel is our multilingual forum for general discussions and announcements.
- If you are new to Wiki, here is the bare minimum for editing in wiki.
- If you are running a course with Wikiversity, consider creating a participant list like Narrative ecologies/Participants. As your material grows, you may want to elect a custodian to help maintain the pages for the group.
- Вавилон е нашия многоезичен форум за общи обсъждания и съобщения.
- Порталът е място където можете да получите информация свързана с българоезичния Уикиверситет или да зададете всякакви въпроси и да направите предложения на български език.
- Моля, сложете на личната си страница шаблона {{UserReputation/Bg}}, за да могат другите потребители да ви благодарят или да ви оставят предупреждение. Сега това не е задължително, но навярно с времето това ще влезе в правилата, свързани с общуването и преодоляването на конфликти.
- Ако поставите шаблона на страницата си, ще можете да получавате актуална информация за събитията, случващи се в проекта.
- В момента българоезичния Уикиверситет е в процес на апробация. Моля бъдете активни, тъй като това е едно от необходимите условия. Слаба страна на проекта е малкия брой предложения за курсове и все още слабото им представяне, поради което ви каним да окажете съответната подкрепа на проекта.
- 위키배움터는 학습에 국경도 한계도 제약도 없다는 것을 보여줍니다. 위키배움터는 무료의 학습자료와 공부할 기회를 무한정 제공합니다. 누구나 참여하고 배우고 기여할 수 있으며 어떤 자격요건도 필요하지 않습니다. 위키배움터의 학습자는 서로 협력하고 머리를 맞대어 배우고 자신이 가진 지식을 나누게 됩니다. 대문과 사랑방을 방문하시면 현재 위키배움터의 활동과 내용을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
- 내가 과연 나눌 지식이 있나 고민하시지 마십시오. 용기를 내어 실험하고 또 실패를 겪으십시오. 배움은 도전하고 실행하면서 극대화되기 때문입니다. 강사와 학습자 페이지에서 위키배움터 참여자가 할 수 있는 역할을 알 수 있습니다.
- 다시 한번 오신 것을 환영하며 위키버시티의 좋은 참여자가 되시길 바랍니다.
- 궁금하신 점이 있으시다면, 위키배움터란 무엇인가?와 자주 묻는 질문을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 질문방에서 문의하시면, 일정 시간이 지난 후에 기존 사용자의 안내를 받으실 수 있습니다.
- Dit project is een globaal platform dat tot doel heeft Wikiversity-projecten in verscheidene talen te coördineren.
- Deze meertalige coördinatie moet gericht zijn op de missie van Wikiversity en de algemene richtlijnen voor het specifieke gebied dat dit project wil bestrijken (bijvoorbeeld in verband met oorspronkelijk onderzoek).
- Wikiversity beta is ook een broeikas voor Wikiversiteiten in verschillende talen.
- Tot nu toe zijn alleen de Engels-, Frans-, Spaans-, Italiaans-, Grieks-, Japans-, Portugees-, Tsjechisch-, Fins- and Russisch- en Duitstalige Wikiversiteiten aparte projecten.
- Wikiversity Beta har två huvudsakliga funktioner, det är dels ett nav för flerspråksdiskussioner kring Wikiversitys policies och andra ärenden, och dels en inkubator för nya Wikiversityprojekt med olika språk.
- Babel är ett flerspråkigt forum för allmänna diskussioner och meddelanden medan Bybrunnen är för diskussioner som gäller endast den svenska delen.
- Om du är nybörjare när det gäller Wiki kan du hitta kort hjälp här.
- Wikiopisto beta on solmukohta yleinen monikielinen keskustelujen Wikipedia politiikka ja muut tiedotteet. Se on myös yrityshautomo uusille Wikipedia hankkeita eri kielet.
- Babel on meidän monikielinen foorumi yleistä keskustelua ja ilmoituksia.
- beta.Wikiversity è un punto di scambio per le discussioni generali multilingua, sulle politiche di funzionamento di Wikiversità e sugli altri problemi legati al suo sviluppo. Esiste anche un'incubatrice per i nuovi progetti di Wikiversità nelle diverse lingue.
- Babel è il forum multilingua di Wikiversità, contiene discussioni generali ed annunci sul progetto.
- Wikiversité beta est un centre d’échange pour des discussions générales multilingues sur les règles de fonctionnement de Wikiversité et d’autres problèmes liés à son développement. Il est également un incubateur pour de nouveaux projets Wikiversité dans diverses langues.
- Babel est notre forum multilingue de discussion générale et d’annonces.
- Wikiverzita beta je rozbočovač pre viacjazyčné všeobecné diskusie o Wikiverzita politiky a ďalších otázok. To je tiež inkubátor Wikiverzita nových projektov v rôznych jazykoch.
- Babel je naša viacjazyčné fórum pre všeobecné diskusie a oznámenia.
- Ak ste na Wiki, je tu úplné minimum pre úpravy v wiki.
- Вавилон — наш многоязычный форум для общих обсуждений и объявлений.
- Сообщество — наш русскоязычный портал сообщества, где вы можете узнать всё о русскоязычном сообществе Викиверситета или задать любые вопросы на родном языке.
- Пожалуйста, установите на свою страницу участника шаблон {{UserReputation/Ru}}, чтобы другие участники могли вас поблагодарить или сделать вам предупреждение. Сейчас это не является обязательным, но со временем есть желание закрепить это в правилах, для приятного, удобного общения и предупреждения конфликтов.
- Если вы оставите данный шаблон на своей странице, то сможете получать актуальную информацию о событиях, происходящих в проекте.
- В данный момент происходит проверка на возможность открытия самостоятельного русского раздела Викиверситета [1]. Просим быть активными, т.к. это необходимое для этого условие. Наша слабая сторона — это малое количество предложенных курсов и их слабая проработка, мы будем благодарны, если вы сможете нам в этом помочь.
- Русская секция Викиверситета скоро будет открыта. Спасибо всем за работу! Но не расслабляемся, это только начало :)
- ВНИМАНИЕ ! Открыта русская секция Викиверситета ( Просим здесь новых правок не делать. Через некоторое время материал от сюда будет перенесен в русскую секцию.
- Wikiversity beta es un puerto para discusiones generales multilingües de las políticas de Wikiversidad y otros temas. Es también un incubador para nuevos proyectos Wikiversitarios en varios idiomas.
- Babel es nuestro foro multilingue para discusiones generales y anuncios.
- Si quieres iniciar un curso con Wikiversidad, considera crear una lista de participantes como Narrative_ecologies/Participants. A medida que tu material crece, querrás elegir un custodio para ayudar a mantener las páginas del grupo.
- Вавилон — то је мултијезички портал за дискусиј и обавештења.
- Заједница — то је портал српског Викиверзитета. Овде можете сазнати корисне информације о интернет-заједници српског Викиверзитета или поставити питања о било чему у вези овог пројекта.
- Молимо учеснике пројекта да ставе на своју страницу учесника категорију пројекта «[[:CATEGORY:SR_Wikiversity_member CATEGORY:SR]]» због лакше измеђусобне комуникације многобројних учесника интернет-заједница вики-пројеката.
- У овом тренутку се формира листа учесника српског Викиверзитета и ствара се неопходна вики-компонента. Придружите нам се – ми ћемо вам бити захвални на подршци и помоћи.
- Wikiversity beta is a hub for general multilingual discussions of Wikiversity policies and other issues. It is also an incubator for new Wikiversity projects in various languages.
- Babel is our multilingual forum for general discussions and announcements.
- If you are new to Wiki, here is the bare minimum for editing in wiki.
- If you are running a course with Wikiversity, consider creating a participant list like Narrative ecologies/Participants. As your material grows, you may want to elect a custodian to help maintain the pages for the group.
- Wikiversity beta jest zalążkiem wielonarodowej dyskusji o uczelniach międzynarodowych i innych rożnego typu. Jest także inkubatorem wiedzy dla nowych projektów w różnych językach.
- Wieża Babel jest naszym wspólnych forum dyskusyjnym i ogłoszeniowym.
- Jeśli nie opanowałeś systemu Wiki, tutaj znajdziesz podstawy edytowania w tym systemie.
- Jeżeli nauczyłeś się obsługi Wikiwersytetu beta, możesz dołączyć do listy uczestników projektu Wikiwersytet. Możesz także wybrać przewodnika, który odpowie na twoje pytania.
- Beeta-Vikiülikool on keskne projekt Vikiülikooli põhimõtteid ja muid seonduvaid küsimusi puudutava mitmekeelse arutelu jaoks. See on ka inkubaator uutes keeltes Vikiülikoolide jaoks.
- Babel on meie mitmekeelne foorum üldiseks aruteluks ja teadaanneteks.
- Kui oled vikis uus, leiad redigeerimise algtõed siit.
Thank you for registering, and Welcome to Wikiversity!
- Wikiversity beta is a hub for general multilingual discussions of Wikiversity policies and other issues. It is also an incubator for new Wikiversity projects in various languages.
- Babel is our multilingual forum for general discussions and announcements.
- If you are new to Wiki, here is the bare minimum for editing in wiki.
- If you are running a course with Wikiversity, consider creating a participant list like Narrative_ecologies/Participants. As your material grows, you may want to elect a custodian to help maintain the pages for the group.
- Wikiversity beta is a hub for general multilingual discussions of Wikiversity policies and other issues. It is also an incubator for new Wikiversity projects in various languages.
- بابل منتدانا المتعدد اللغات للمناقشات والإعلانات العامّة.
- شاهد أيضا: رسالة الترحيب في العديد من اللغات
- Το Βικιεπιστήμιο βήτα είναι μια πλήμνη για τις γενικές πολύγλωσσες συζητήσεις των ζητημάτων του Βικιεπιστημίου. Είναι επίσης ένας επωαστήρας για τα νέα προγράμματα του Βικιεπιστημίου σε διάφορες γλώσσες. Το Βαβέλ είναι το πολύγλωσσο φόρουμ μας, για τις γενικές συζητήσεις μας.
Cekli829 13:04, 11 March 2011 (UTC)
Please remove the bad block you imposed
[edit]"xwiki banned, betawv is unattached, but him, new edits seem problematic" <-- "new edits seem problematic" <-- There is no emergency and you acted without community consensus. Please remove the bad block you imposed. --JWSchmidt 13:16, 11 March 2011 (UTC)
Fr33kman, are you aware of Section 230? By acting in the capacity of a WMF functionary making an editorial judgment, you transfer responsibility from the poster to WMF by acting as a publisher with editorial supervision for the purposes of Section 230. This effectively cashiers WMF's all-important Section 230 immunity. Have you consulted with knowledgeable parties at WMF regarding the propriety of your actions on behalf of the Foundation? —Moulton 04:30, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
Fr33kman, I now allege that you are in violation of the WMF Whistleblower Policy, which protects honest and ethical members of the community like JWS who post evidence exposing corrupt practices that depart from the WMF Charter, Mission, and Policies. Please be advised that I have already consulted with Cary Bass on this issue and passed his advice along to JWSchmidt. You must now recuse yourself from the use of power until the charges against you can be reviewed. —Moulton 06:05, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
- I am not an employee of the WMF. Fr33kman 06:13, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
- That's irrelevant. If you persistently engage in practices that depart from the Charter, Mission, and Policies of the WMF, you potentially jeopardize both the 501(c)(3) standing of WMF and its Section 230 immunity. The Whistleblower Policy is constructed by the application of Ethical Best Practices for an organization that has, as an overriding concern, to ensure that nothing done in the name of WMF departs from the WMF Charter, Mission, or Policies in a way that jeopardizes its claim to be fulfilling its Charter and Mission, as represented to the IRS for tax-exempt educational status, and as required to preserve Section 230 immunity. You would be wise to consult with WMF counsel before exercising any more power to control the editorial or educational content of these projects. —Moulton 06:21, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
- I'm sure that if I have overstepped my "authority" the WMF board or the community will remove me as steward. Fr33kman 06:38, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
- More likely, the bounds of the authority of the stewards will come under public review, to ensure that NewYorkBrad's Guiding Principles are understood and appreciated by all administrative personnel who are acting in the name of WMF. —Moulton 08:07, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
- I don't know who NewYorkBrad is frankly. I take my cues from the steward policy. Fr33kman 08:22, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
- I'm sure that if I have overstepped my "authority" the WMF board or the community will remove me as steward. Fr33kman 06:38, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
[2]. As I see Hillgentleman has not specifically notified you of his intention to unblock, I'm doing it. This comment is not intended to display a prejudice in any direction, only to avoid any possible appearance of wheel-warring. He wrote: I have not received any unblock request from anyone but I shall unblock John Schmidt's account to facilitate the discussions if no one objects. Thanks. --Abd 23:17, 27 March 2011 (UTC)
Questions about your actions and some background information
[edit]Continuing our interrupted discussion, did you read what I posted to my talk page before you blocked me? If not, please read it now. Please explain what you meant by "potentially libellous information". Where was the wheel war?
My blocks of SB Johnny and Darklama followed their disruption of the #wikiversity chat channel. On March 13 in #wikiversity, SB Johnny announce that he was shooing Moulton out the door. Then he and Darklama tag team banned Moulton from the chat channel. Why does SBJ have the power to ban Wikiversity community members from #wikiversity? Darklama later said he was told who to ban from the channel, but he will not say who gave him those instructions. Darklama was given sysop tools based on the statement that he would "not be active as a Custodian outside of helping us with technical issues". I repeatedly asked Darklama and SB Johnny to remove the IRC channel ban against Moulton. They refused. Darklama and SB Johnny could have reversed the ban that Darklama imposed, but they did not do so. Imposing such a ban is exactly what SB Johnny did in 2008 when he started the Hostile Takeover of the English Language Wikiversity. In 2008, after SB Johnny took over the #wikiversity-en chat channel SB Johnny then took over the English Language Wikiversity. Darklama and SB Johnny have disrupted the Wikiversity community with years full of policy violations, bad blocks, emergency desysopings imposed when there was no emergency. I acted here to prevent a spread of that pattern of disruption to this wiki. I don't believe that taking a reasonable precaution in an attempt to prevent the spread of a pattern of disruption can be described as an abuse of Custodial tools. I had the responsibility to use the block tool to control both repeat vandals and misguided sysops who disrupt Wikiversity by repeatedly misusing their tools and disrupting the community by imposing bans against community members in IRC chat. --JWSchmidt 13:38, 31 March 2011 (UTC)